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I want to strangle someone


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I have a 60" Brand new plasma (literally brand new, manufature sticker has it made in august 2011)

LG - 60PV250



I don't watch alot of TV, maybe 1-2 hours a day and 2 hours is pushing it.

however, atfer one morning of letting cartoon network go on, 8am to 10-10:30am

the CN logo is gently burned into my screen!!!


HEARTBREAK. its not the worst burn in, its not visible really unless the background is white.

but my OCD isnt allowing me to watch TV now, i just stare at the bottom corner to see if the burns there.


been 3 days now, was hoping that using it some more, on channels without a static image or a news ticker (soo long MSNBC) that it might dull the burn out a little bit more


after checking the settings which were left at stock, apparently the contrast was one notch below max and the brightness was 7/10.


i can understand wanting a good picture and a good first impression, but what the heck :(


anyone have any ideas? anything like a image i can self-burn to help reset the damage?


i want to strangle someone, anyone lol

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Good god, you had the thing on burn mode. :lol:


I have a 60" LG plasma as well (don't recall the model number) and I don't think I have the contrast or brightness anywhere close to maxed out...I'll check my settings tonight and let you know. The burn-in you see is temporary, it's just made worse because you left the torch mode settings that come from the factory for display in stores.

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Good god, you had the thing on burn mode. :lol:


I have a 60" LG plasma as well (don't recall the model number) and I don't think I have the contrast or brightness anywhere close to maxed out...I'll check my settings tonight and let you know. The burn-in you see is temporary, it's just made worse because you left the torch mode settings that come from the factory for display in stores.


Yep :( and to note that plasma are in a "torch" mode when the phosphur is first active.

im so far just going to run it all day today on a no logo channel and hope it goes away.. i dun know what else to do.


i cant believe thats the settings it was on. :( I can't even blame my son, i've never ONCE seen the remote in his hand, the wife knows better than to fidget with my gadgets lol


damn. that sucks man. I thought burn in wasnt much of a problem anymore, guess I was wrong.


thats basically what i have read everywhere as well, of course murphy's law bypasses all lol

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Wait, Waco so you are saying that it is temporary?


so will it go away over time or is it moreso by being used in general?


contrast is @ 5/10 as with brightness. are there any other settings that can help impact this?


i dont see ANY anti-burn tools or specific services for my model :\

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Had that problem myself on a lcd set, which ain't supposed to have burn in, I found a dvd online that I burned and ran it for 60 min, displays a bunch of flashing pics etc, worked perfect.I'm sure if you google it you will find it.Try not to leave any image on the same place on the screen for more than a few minutes, ( I fell asleep and the dvd player shut down and no signal was displayed for about 3 hrs,lol ) till i found this fix thats the only thing me eyes would focus on for about 2 weeks.:dunno:

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Very light burns in plasmas are very common and they are nothing new. I have quite a few light burns in mine. But just like you I can only see them with a white screen. The solution is to just live with it or get a LED TV.

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Wait, Waco so you are saying that it is temporary?



Haha...yes, it is temporary. Waco always knows when I've been playing game on the big screen because it leaves images for a bit -- it always goes away after not too long though so don't be freaked out. It will go away. :cheers:

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Back when I was selling TVs years ago, there was some company that would offer a DVD to remove burn-in from plasmas. Basically, it was a DVD that displayed a black screen for an hour or so. Pop it in and presto, no more burn-in. Of course, that was back when plasmas were still fairly new (and expensive as hell), so the burn-in they suffer now is no where near as bad.


Man, I loved walking down the plasma aisle in the winter time. So warm and toasty. Hated it in the summer. :lol:

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