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I just got invited into the beta today and these are some of my first impressions of dota 2

I've played the original dota maybe 3 times max, but I've been playing Heroes of Newerth for about a year in some change and I've tried league of legends a couple times but wasnt a fan (Seems to cartoonish? and half the time had no clue what i was doing but still managed to stay positive.)

Overall i think dota 2 is pretty solid, if you were to compare hHoN vs dota2 i say HoN is alot more noob friendly everything pretty much laid out for you; if you were new you could jump right in and what take long to get accustomed to the game. The graphics and animations are pretty awesome in dota 2 , your field of view seems pretty cramped and its easy to lose your sense of direction in a team fight.

I've been playing LoL some for about a year now and got into the DOTA 2 beta. Have to agree with you the view in the beta is horrible. I'm sure they will introduce a way to change the size of the hud, and possibly remove the unneeded background elements to it, but I hope it comes soon. Only real issue I'm having, aside from the inability to read about the heroes outside of a match (or could I just not find that?) is the keys get changing on me. I set them how I wanted them and then they changed back to what the defaults are, so I made them how I like them, and they changed again, but not to the defaults. Very weird how those controls were acting.

It's different from LoL, but I can see it being just as much fun, especially as they get more work into it.

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Oh yeah i forgot about not being able to see the heroes outside of picking them for a game, it really leaves no choice for you to read up on the heroes in that short time, I only know which heroes are which cause alot of my friends played the original dota and I'am used them using dota terms while playing HoN. I think while its in beta stages they have it more geared for returning players then new ones. Im not sure about your hotkey problem, i'll try it out in a few.


edit: theres a rolodex of all the heroes if you click "Learn" at the top of the screen


Also how can i invite others into the beta? games like this are alot better when playing with friends

Edited by SeV.o3 TwiZZler

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If you want to invite people you have to have extra copies of the game. If you have them, they'll be in your steam inventory and you can use the trading feature to give them to whoever. Also I think you might see them in under the Games menu > Manage Gifts and Guest Passes...

Edited by sack_patrol

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Graphics are fine in DOTA 2, not distracting. I find DOTA 2's slow last hitting animations more disturbing than anything else in the game. I could probably last hit with the worst last hitting character in LoL better than any hero in DOTA 2.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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