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Who Here Believes In God?


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God is too vague a term. Some fellow shows up performing some magic tricks, like turning water into wine or clay into gold, walking on water, etc. He says he's God, but you ask him to prove it. He keeps doing unbelievable things and bringing dead people back to life, lifting objects in the air, transporting you and him to another planet with aliens... still doesn't mean he's God in the sense most people believe in.


The real question is... does it even matter if you believe in God or not?

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I don't think it does. Though I don't, I have respect for people that do and I don't go around bashing their beliefs. I try to be a tolerant person.


What he said. :withstupid:

Although, I believe the reason most people believe in God is becasue they feel they need a reason for their existence and that randomness is just not a good enough reason. They also need a reason to behave in a way that allows the existence of society, you know, not totally selfishly. To the majority of people like that I have a hard time being tolerant. If you need this ultimate threat to "behave" then are you truly a good person or just a coward? :snap:

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I beleive in God too. I'm a christian , all things in life happen for a reason and don't blame god for any pain you have suffered. Science didnt create everything , most scientists (including the ones who proved the big bang theory) were all religious.

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I don't believe in god and don't mind religion, so long as it doesn't

A. Cause people to kill each other (eh fin stupid)

B. Cause people to miss out on certain aspects of their life (not being able to eat any food they want, or not being able to do anything they want for fear of not going to heaven)

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