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GTX 470 Overclocked as good as GTX 480 ?


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I am going to get a new graphics card and am thinking of a GTX 470 and OC it . The clocks are lower than a 480 but can be oc'd up to the 480 clocks . Does this mean it can perform close to a 480 ? do the temps really run at above 90 degrees celsius ? If so, would they go down when I keep the fan speeds at 100% ?



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Nope, fewer shader cores and less memory. You will see an upside to overclocking but not up to 480 levels.

:stupid: well.....not unless you crank that thing with a 50% overclock, but that would require an ungodly cooler and/or an ungodly 470

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GTX 480 clocks on a 470 are achievable , people have gotten them on fan speed 100% and I have a Cooler Master HAF 932 with 10 high speed case fans so cooling is no problem on my cases part but is the upgrade worth it ?

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no, you won't get all that much from a 5850 to a 470(right now). IIRC the GTX 285 outperformed a 5850 on some games, but as the drivers matured it is definitely faster now. The 470 is going to get 5870 performance as the months pass

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Question about overclocking these GTX 470/480's, when you start seeing artifacting is it time to increase the voltage? Thermals are low.




Idk, have you talked to anyone about how high you can crank the voltage??

Usually when you see artifacting it is due to not enough power, try bumping the voltage up a notch or two and see if it cleans up, if not you're at the max and you should back up to where you didn't have any artifacts.

I then recommend playing a few different diverse games for 30 minutes to an hour to test stability.

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