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Deman Risu

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I joined two days ago... got a great deal of quality help on my computer build, pushed it under $600 including tax, shipping, and a crapin' (lolwut? you don't like the word |3i7chin'? :P) quad-core processor!

Edited by Deman Risu

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wow a java guy. I prefer c


char *forum;

forum = "OCC";

fprintf(stdout, "Welcome to %s", forum);


(I sure hope that's right, been a while since I've programmed anything.)


And this is why I love matlab...simple (and yet, still very close to C)


forum = 'OCC';

fprintf('Welcome to %s!!\n',forum);


Or, you could just write


disp('Welcome to OCC!!');



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dim i as integer


do until i=15


if i=1
  print "W"
  else if i=2
	 print "e"
		else if i=3
		   print "l"
			  else if i=4
				 print "c"
					else if i=5
					   print "o"
						  if i=6
							 print "m"
								if i=7
								   print "e"
									  else if i=8
										 print " "
											else if i=9
											   print "t"
												  else if i=10
													 print "o"
														else if i=11
														   print " "
															  else if i=12
																 print "O"
																	else if i=13
																	   print "C"
																		  else if i=14
																			 print "C"
																				else if i=15
																				   print "!"
end if




Its been a while since I programmed in basic. Im not sure if I can use just one end if, or if I need 14 more


...Oh, and by the way, DTTL!

Edited by Savan

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