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My 1st-ever PC Build; Need of Building Advice


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Hello Everyone,


I have an old PC for over a half a decade that's been giving me huge lag problems when I try to watch a video while downloading any file. Now I believe its time for a new system altogether. This is my first home building project and I'll be very happy for the help. My proposed budget is around the $1000.00 mark or under.


I don't plan on doing any overclocking or water cooling whatsoever (may try it in the future) because I want to keep my costs low for now, but want to have a speedy computer without little to no lag when program files are in use.


The LCD monitor (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824001308), speaker system (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16836121033) and computer case (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811517004) has been purchased already. :D


Well, here goes....I already have a list of parts that I'm considering for my first ever build, but would like to know whether if they will work together when I officially buy them. I'm not too big on games other than GTA 4 and maybe Sim City 4. That's kinda corny huh? :rolleyes: Plus, I would like to watch videos/movies, using a few programs and surfing the web at once without the lag if any. Would this game (GTA 4) work well on the following machine below?


Here are the parts:
















VIDEO CARD (I won't buy it off the bat, but I'm considering it in the future. Will it work with the selected 850w power supply?)






MEMORY (I may buy a second set of memory first before the video card in the future).












Let me know what you think about this setup. Any and all comments and suggestions would be very helpful to me. Thank you very much! :)

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Well, if we leave out the price of the video card, and switch from retail windows to the system builder...you can go with a Phenom II + DDR3 (this kit is the same price as the DDR2 you had listed). I'd stick with onboard sound for those speakers, you probably won't notice a difference with them between onboard sound and a 'budget' sound card. The listed power supplies are a little overkill, I subbed in the 620HX - modular and on a special sale (today). Top notch quality. Other than that, I don't have any allegiance to the motherboard or memory - other than they'd be fine. You might settle for saving a little money on those categories if you shop around.


After rebates, this comes to about $960, the remaining $40 could be well spent on a CPU heatsink :)




If you wanted to include the 4890 in the $1000, you'd have to trim down the other components. With the graphics card, it should play GTA4, fine (although, I heard that game can be buggy, so, your mileage may vary...)


EDIT: Phooey...I just noticed the Blu-ray drive. You can probably fit that in the $1000 by trimming some $$ off the motherboard and memory (I'll still recommend staying with 2x2GB)

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Well, if we leave out the price of the video card, and switch from retail windows to the system builder...you can go with a Phenom II + DDR3 (this kit is the same price as the DDR2 you had listed). I'd stick with onboard sound for those speakers, you probably won't notice a difference with them between onboard sound and a 'budget' sound card. The listed power supplies are a little overkill, I subbed in the 620HX - modular and on a special sale (today). Top notch quality. Other than that, I don't have any allegiance to the motherboard or memory - other than they'd be fine. You might settle for saving a little money on those categories if you shop around.


After rebates, this comes to about $960, the remaining $40 could be well spent on a CPU heatsink :)




If you wanted to include the 4890 in the $1000, you'd have to trim down the other components. With the graphics card, it should play GTA4, fine (although, I heard that game can be buggy, so, your mileage may vary...)


EDIT: Phooey...I just noticed the Blu-ray drive. You can probably fit that in the $1000 by trimming some $$ off the motherboard and memory (I'll still recommend staying with 2x2GB)



Hey Crazy_Nate,


Thanks a lot for the advice. I'll do some more bargain hunting before I continue my purchase(s). I'm glad I asked. Thanks again, Nate. :D

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Hey there was a combo on WD Green 500GB (32MB cache) and CM 690 for $100 try to find some more of these..


BTW 955 BE would be a better CPU if you can afford it!!


There are some 23" available for a similar price and 1920x1080 resolution!


Never go for BIOstar mobos as they aren't the most stable ones around..

Get a video card ASAP for gaming onboard aren't much good.. 5750 would be good for your needs

Edited by nns

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Hey IVI, Nate's board recommendation is a DDR3, AM3 only!


Despite the "DDR2 is cheaper than DDR3 argument (and there's no supposed performance difference)", the whole point becomes moot when the prices get this close. The AM3 / DDR3 platform will simple have more life in it, than the AM2/2+.


But, yeah. Shop around for components. Be flexible on the motherboard and memory, most differences are things like options for the motherboard, the underlying technology is the same (decide on the chipset, number of PCI/PCIe slots, do you really need RAID or 8+ SATA ports?). Couple that with reputable companies and things generally go nicely (I've had good luck with DFI in the past, and Gigabyte and Asus in more recent times). If you're not planning on having Crossfire in the future, even consider a mATX board - there are plenty out there for really good prices. For memory, you probably don't need to bother with some ridiculous speed kit, just get one that has good timings / low voltage and it'll be golden. Again, shop around.

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VIDEO CARD (I won't buy it off the bat, but I'm considering it in the future. Will it work with the selected 850w power supply?)


You could run 2 or 3 with an 850W. If you plan on crossfire then the psu you selected is fine if not a 650W is enogh with some room to spare. Since this seems like a pretty highend build I suggest you get a 5850 instead of the selected videocard, you can't have too much video card at that resolution.

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Despite the "DDR2 is cheaper than DDR3 argument (and there's no supposed performance difference)", the whole point becomes moot when the prices get this close. The AM3 / DDR3 platform will simple have more life in it, than the AM2/2+.


But, yeah. Shop around for components. Be flexible on the motherboard and memory, most differences are things like options for the motherboard, the underlying technology is the same (decide on the chipset, number of PCI/PCIe slots, do you really need RAID or 8+ SATA ports?). Couple that with reputable companies and things generally go nicely (I've had good luck with DFI in the past, and Gigabyte and Asus in more recent times). If you're not planning on having Crossfire in the future, even consider a mATX board - there are plenty out there for really good prices. For memory, you probably don't need to bother with some ridiculous speed kit, just get one that has good timings / low voltage and it'll be golden. Again, shop around.

In that case, these sticks would be optimal

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