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Power supply recommendation - urgent!

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I am about to buy a power supply and need to make sure it has enough power to do what I intend to achieve. Please let me know your recommendation or thought. Thanks


Will a 700W PS enough to overclock my 2.4GHZ Q6600 to 3.4GHZ with ATI 4850 graphic card, 4gb DDR3 10333 memory on GA-EP45T-DS3R Motherboard?


I am looking at buying this OCZ StealthXStream OCZ700SXS 700W ATX12V / EPS12V SLI Ready CrossFire Ready Active PFC Power Supply.

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I'd say it'd be more than enough. ^_^


There's a good Power Wattage Calculator here: http://www.antec.outervision.com/


Where are you intending on purchasing from? (There might be a cheaper PSU to suit your needs or a better quality one)


You may be better getting something a bit lower spec such as the Corsair 650W TX psu. Its has rock solid voltages and would have more than enough power for your build, and will have some spare if you want to upgrade in the future.

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Don't kow if you have already made your dicision yet but OCC has a recommended Power supply list. me personally, I perfer BFG tech just due to the customer service I have received in the past and its a good solid PSU that holds up to shorts well. (had lightning hit the house, only thing that started affter that that wasn't protected was my computer).


But here is the link for the recommended PSU list.


Hope this helps your disicion. Boinker. :)

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