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What else besides OS on SSD


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I am currently builting the below configuration. I got the SSD today, and have to mount and plug in and I am ready to go for first turn on. Windows 7 will be out tomorrow, but I doubt I'll be past the BIOS setup by then (took me a week just to get this far!)


My question is: Besides the operating system, what else should I put on my SSD. Obviously data, music, etc. goes on the RAID array, but with this setup, would I be better off putting the programs on the SSD or on the RAID array? (I'm not a gamer, so I'm not worried about game performance). I am looking to give overclocking a try once I get it all up and running (it will be my first try at overclocking). Ultimately it will be my work machinme, so stability is paramount, and speed is secondary. Thanks!

Edited by bgeiger

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