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windows 7 question


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im sure this has been asked many times before but none the less


whats the difference between these other then being able to install either 64 or 32 bit on the one






it makes it seem like u dont have windows update on the ome version?


help please... though i feel dumb for asking lol

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Only difference is that you don't get the fancy packaging with the OEM version and that the retail version gives you the option of both 32-bit and 64-bit whereas with the OEM version you have to pick one. Otherwise they're exactly the same.


Just to clarify, you DO get all the updates with the OEM version.

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Althought I have never actully read the liscence agreement on all my oem versions i have bought, but I have been told it carries a different on from OEM with the major difference being Full Reatil you can uninstall it from one pc and put in on a new as long as it is not on more then one, versus the OEM supposedly states you can only have it on one pc, and it's to never be removed and installed on other pc's. Like i said could be myth, I never read the agreement lol.

Edited by Bigfwd69

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Oem is to be installed on one (new) computer and when that computer dies (motherboard) so does the software/license.

(reason it's much cheaper than retail)


Retail you can only install it on only one but you can uninstall and install it to another system

as many times as you want as long as it is only one system at a time.



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