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6gb vs 8gb

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So, i was thinking of upgrading from 6gb 1800 mhz to 8gb because theres a sale. What do i benifit from 12gb? In what do i see the performance boost?

Edited by Jump4h

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So, i was thinking of upgrading from 6gb 1800 mhz to 8gb because theres a sale. What do i benifit from 12gb? In what do i see the performance boost?


Your profile lists 4GB and Windows XP 32 bit so no point in upgrading that!


What system are you refering to?





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Numbers like 6 and 8 and 12 are beginning to worry me.


Are you using an i7? if so, then 6 is the proper number, and 8 would be only dual-channel, which gives up a key feature of the nehalem architecture.


If you're using a 775 with dual channel, you should not have th eoption og 6-->8, since if you have 6, it should look like 2x2, 1x2, populating all 4 slots. And no capability to go to 12. If it currently looks like 2x3, then you're loading one memory channel more than the other, and the latency on the overloaded channel will bottleneck you, since both channels use the slower frequency. That tends to be bad for the underloaded channel, which not only has poor bandwidth, but poor capacity as well.

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