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gtx260 sli...got the psu...need confirmation before i open it

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First of all, this is my first topic posted, hello all, im sorry it had to be for asking such a repetitive question but.....


my current setup

Asus rampage 2 extreme

core i7 920 3200 oc'd

6gb ram

gtx260 black edition in sli

seagate 1tb hd

and about 9 fans in a cm690 (including the 2 on the noctua cooler)


i purchased a second gtx260 and a 24" acer monintor yesterday for the sli setup, up until now ive had this setup running on the stock case psu, a cm 550w plus or something...so obviously i purchased a psu to go with it all, i bought a corsair tx850, i wanted the 1000W but $270...meh.....so spec wise and on paper, it seems i should be okay with the tx850, but before i open the box tonight, i thought id get some feedback as to whether it will be enough...the cards are factory oc'd so assume the 260's are oc'd as well. maybe someone with a similar setup can chime in....


Any feedback would be much appreciated, i realize answering these questions "is this enough" gets annoying and based on my knowledge it should be, but just double checking.

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okay good

in that case, what kind of setup requires a 1000w psu then?

Not many.


People who buy 1KW are usually just going super overkill. People have it in their heads that that kind of power is necessary and then they perpetuate the idea until everyone just swears that it's needed, but no one really knows. They just 'heard' it from someone else who didn't know either.


Some mega-systems may get into that range. If you're going for 2 GTX295s (4 GPUS) you may get there. Otherwise, it's really just a waste.

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thats what i thought too....

i ran the singlue gpu oc'd and the i7 oc'd for about 8 months on that otherwise generic 550w psu

it was completely fine, although i realize that idle that setup is probably consuming somewhere between 425 or 500w power

i was inititally going to go for 750w which probably would be fine, but the price gap was small...

on a side note, overall, once you get into the 600w+ territory, these psu get really pricey, i have always stokc with the stock case psu, until now...i didnt know they were so expensive...

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You will be just fine with the 850W PSU. Even a 750W PSU would have worked. It should fit in your case as it's a common case and PSU. I don't see why they wouldn't fit...


As for what could use a 1000W PSU... If you had dual GTX295s, an i7 920 OC'd, 12GB of RAM, sound card, TV tuner, dual optical drives, 6 HDDs, etc... You may reach it then, but maybe not.

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You will be just fine with the 850W PSU. Even a 750W PSU would have worked. It should fit in your case as it's a common case and PSU. I don't see why they wouldn't fit...


As for what could use a 1000W PSU... If you had dual GTX295s, an i7 920 OC'd, 12GB of RAM, sound card, TV tuner, dual optical drives, 6 HDDs, etc... You may reach it then, but maybe not.

i use a coolmax cug950B 950w that so over produces i have to go in and turn down voltages in bios....i'm sayin' it's overkill...when i finally sli 2 gtx 295's i'll have the juice to do it, but for the moment it's too much....just food for thought.... :D

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