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Montana threatens to secede

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Ok first of all, this news is OLD. As in February 2008 old. This threat was made regarding the DC v. Heller case that was decided in June 2008, which upheld individual gun owners rights, but with reasonable restrictions. So for anybody who thinks the Second Amendment doesn't guarantee individual gun ownership, just stop. The Supreme Court has said that the right exists, so stop trying to make the argument that it doesn't. It's done, let's move on.


As for gun ownership statistics, all you have is a sensationalist video? Come on Clay, you should know better than to use a video by a liberal news source to back up a claim that gun ownership results in increased violence.


Here's a study for you. Journal of Quantitative Criminology. The impact of gun control and gun ownership levels on violence rates. Gary Kleck and E. Britt Patterson.




Who does gun control hurt? The law abiding citizen. Not exactly the effect we were trying to go for.


Gun bans work in the abstract. However, they need to be universal, you can't have localized bans because criminals will simply import them from the outside. If we want a gun ban to work, we need to ban them across the world and then confiscate every one we come across when apprehending a criminal. However, I somehow don't see a multi-billion dollar industry simply keeling over.


QFT. Thread should have died here.


I'm guessing clay's video was Diane Sawyer's 20/20 "experiment." I watched part of it when it aired, and it was so obviously (to anyone who know anything about concealed carry) manipulated it was almost sickening. Purely an appeal to the emotions of those who don't know a damn thing about guns.

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QFT. Thread should have died here.


It was so obviously (to anyone who know anything about concealed carry) manipulated it was almost sickening. Purely an appeal to the emotions of those who don't know a damn thing about guns.

Fahrenheit 911 level of bias...

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