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Looking at Overclocking my I7 920 and my Ram

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Hey all, i am looking for some assistance i have (in the very near future) got a core i7 920 and OCZ DDR3 PC3-12800 Intel i7 Edition 3x2GB and would like to overclock them.


also for the mobo i got P6T SE, and the case is an NZXT tempest so it has really good air flow


first up the cooling, Swiftech H20-220 Apex Ultima Liquid Cooling Kit with only the CPU block at this point and for the memory OCZ Technology XTC Memory Cooler.


OK now the CPU i have looked around a heap for overclocking on the 920 but i have found little on any kind of ball park number of what i could overclock to i have read a bunch of guides on overclocking and the CPU and ram but i am still very hazy on the ram point clocking bit but more on that latter. the best guide I've gotten so far is Cyb3rGlitch how to Overclock.


now i am thinking that maybe somewhere new 3.5 ghz is a decent higher level clock as i have seen a few people around that have gotten about that but a bit higher at about mid 70 degrees but that is on air cooling so I'm not sure what to do with it. also i am not sure if the 920 has a locked multiplier but that i also could not find much about. so more then anything i was wondering what other people here with a 920 have achieved on either really good air cooling or water cooling around my level with the Swiftech Ultima kit.


also with the ram it goes to 1600 mhz so, I'm rather sure when i plug and play them it will not be on that setting. so from what i have gotten so far my FSB would then need to be at 800 in order to achieve its max clock speed right, but is that the way it works can that mobo reach that clock speed and if so then in order to achieve a decent CPU clock speed i will need to use a different multiplier of about 4x in order to reach 3.2 ghz but from what I've gathered more people seem to have a higher multiplier then this.


now i am believing that the higher multiplier is achieved buy having a lower FSB with a higher multiplier but still achieve that max ram clock with a divider but that part at this point i do not understand beyond the fact that it can help it with the multiplier and the ram, however the specifics and how to implement them rather elude me. i know that come in the format of either fractions of dividers as in 1:1 which i believe is the default, leading me to believe that if i had a multiplier of 1:4 and a FSB of 200 then i could work a multiplier of 16 to still achieve the 3.2 ghz that i would have gotten before.


however that is all speculation and i am not sure at all sure anything that i have missed or not completely thought out properly or just straight out gotten it wrong please correct me as i need the assistance this will be my first overclock over so i want to make sure i think through everything. also one last thing for an overclock of somewhere in the 3.2 to 3.6 Ghz or any higher if i can achieve it on water cooling something that much higher then the stock 2.66ghz would deffinatly need an over volt right? but if anyone where has gotten a higher overclock on this kinda cooling and chips please let me know i am also just plain out interested in how high my chip can go.


thank you all very much i am sorry about the slightly excessive post but i just started writing my train of thought and here we are.

assistance depreciated.


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sorry about tri-posting just needed some assistance and this would make it up on home page for recent posts so i may get some attention!! lol


OH . LAGGED ON THE NET WHEN PRESSING POST, i cant delete that... god im so in . this has to be a breach of some forum rule... sorry BLAME AUSTRALIA'S slow internet.

Edited by Nekroze

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Ok well I read through your whole post, and forgot most of it right after I read it :D (Sorry I'm tired and will be going to sleep after I write this)


any way


You asked how high people have gotten off air.


I got mine to 4.3 off air maximum and not all that stable. :( But of course don't run it at that :D


You also said something about the multi. The multi can be lowered and on some boards increased to 21.


You also said something about RAM speeds. Chances are you'll be able to get your RAM close to running at the correct speed without having an 800bsclk.


As for how to overclock.


You said you wanted to go to 3.5Ghz and chances are you'll be able to get that high. (This isn't always true)


Increase your bsclk to 175 and put your voltage at 1.4. Don't worry about memory for now.


This should be stable, but that voltage is probably to high. Start lowering the voltage untill you lose stability and then put it back to the last working setting.


As for RAM set the divider to whatever puts you as close to 1600 as possible.


You may also need to decrease the multi and increase the FSB in order to get the RAM running at 1600.


I can't remember if you said you wanted to go to 3.5Ghz or if you wanted to go past that.


If you want to go past that increase the FSB by increments of 5, and increase voltage when needed.


Lowering multi and increasing FSB may allow you to go higher.


When you have a clock speed you like begin to work on your RAM settings.



Sorry that is the worst OC explanaition ever, I'm just extremely tired right now :(.


I do hope I somewhat helped though.

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thanks for posting so tired and yes that dose help first up to know that 3.5 is most likely rather achievable, i would like to know what is a max i might hit but i understand that it is almost imposable to say but anyone else around with a good OC on a water cooled i7? what have you got?


also, thanks mostly that's confirming that i have gathered mostly correctly about the method or theory of clocking both, mainly though i needed to know about if the divider would be needed higher then normal, but i think when posting OP i kinda learnt a fair few of the answers while typing out the question... makes me think my mind is a bit wrong that i cant figure it out until i write out an unnecessarily long set of questions to myself and only then can i comprehend a bit more... i need more sleep so I'm gonna get to it thanks again mate.

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