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RAM is being munched?

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Hey guys, ive had my PC for about a week now and when i go into task manager (alt+control+delete) and i have a look at my PF usage it says 700mb. i have no clue what PF usage is but i assumed it was RAM. Could you plz tell me what PF usage is and if it shuld be at 700mb. Thanx

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PF is not ram. It means PageFile.


Basically page file is harddrive space that is used like RAM. It can be set to whatever amount you want.


No it does not mean you can set it to 30GB and have 30GB of RAM.


Page file space is only used when your free RAM is almost completely used up. Because it's a harddrive it acts slower and you will lose performance.


What won't happen is your computer locking up because all your ram has been used.


700MB is probably a perfect setting.

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