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Windows 7 PB issues


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I saw that some of you windows 7 users managed to get PB working on windows 7.

When I try to play on CoD 4 servers, I keep getting kicked by PB because of unkown windows API processes or something like that.

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I havent had any issue getting Punkbuster installed...


Some games like BF2 installed by default and so did Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 and Enemy Territory...


Punkbuster installed just fine....

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133t I was having the same issues as you and after doing some searching this was the only thing that seemed to help, I was able to play for about 10-15 min which is much better than the 1 min I would get before.


Here is the official response from Even Balance.


You could give this a shot if you want, tho online petitions don't usually mean anything.


Funny thing is some Punkbuster games work and some don't, I guess World at War works without a hitch, so just play in servers that don't use Punkbuster. Punkbuster imho is a worthless pile of garbage, and even balance doesn't give two crap about us gamers. If you want to see some Punkbuster getting owned videos do a youtube search for codehook.

Edited by slick2500

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Thought I haven't put a whole lot of testing into this yet, I just went to the PB website and downloaded the updated files for punkbuster and stuck those in the appropriate pb folder (folder called "pb" under your cod4 folder). So far that's worked for me.

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It keeps people from cheating though. :P

well of course a better cheat protection should be implemented but PunkBuster just never has been problem-free system. It takes too much user involvement to have running right. Valve's Anti Cheat (VAC) system runs great and never gives the user any trouble no matter what. I don't know why so many games run with PB, it's horrible.

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133t I was having the same issues as you and after doing some searching this was the only thing that seemed to help, I was able to play for about 10-15 min which is much better than the 1 min I would get before.


Here is the official response from Even Balance.


You could give this a shot if you want, tho online petitions don't usually mean anything.


Funny thing is some Punkbuster games work and some don't, I guess World at War works without a hitch, so just play in servers that don't use Punkbuster. Punkbuster imho is a worthless pile of garbage, and even balance doesn't give two crap about us gamers. If you want to see some Punkbuster getting owned videos do a youtube search for codehook.


Actually, I have the 1st release of that program lol. :D


I run hacking servers sometimes to see which hack works best lol.

Edited by l33t p1mp

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