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RR here is a new folding board for you...


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I'm disappointed they could not fit the 8th PCI-E the chipsets are able of...


If they could have put the internal USB connectors and the few others elsewhere, it would have freed space for the 8th.

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I do like the looks of the WS but only if it had the durability of the Gigabyte...


never have had much luck with Asus for long term durability without something dieing on the board (usually the LAN) but hey I still own one and it works...


I dont need any Q6600s but I could use a Q6700 to ditch the Q6600 I have...


either that or replace it with a Q9650...

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I dont need any Q6600s but I could use a Q6700 to ditch the Q6600 I have...

pardon my hijack :)


besides the extra 260mhz, what's the real difference between a Q6600 and a Q6700?


are they really binned that much higher?

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pardon my hijack :)


besides the extra 260mhz, what's the real difference between a Q6600 and a Q6700?


are they really binned that much higher?



not really as far as speed but on heat production the B3 Q6600 I have is a blast furnace and a dud clocker...


it idles at 60c at 334x9 on a 266 strap and needs 1.4v to make it...


the Q6700 I have runs 300x10 on the default 1.19vcore and idles at 28c and full load at 45c...it will run 400x10 at 1.35v and even at that full load temps are 58c at most...it's a sweet chip so the Q6600 really upset me...



BTW I have a 9450 without a home!


DAMN YOU! you are a mean mutha sticka ;)

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The B3s were not that great compared to the early GO chips. The later ones are just utter crap when it comes to clocking them. The one i have left goes to 3.4 MAX! It just will not budge over it!

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The B3s were not that great compared to the early GO chips. The later ones are just utter crap when it comes to clocking them. The one i have left goes to 3.4 MAX! It just will not budge over it!

Got several of those myself... SNEMOTICON13.gif

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