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9800GX2 nvlddmkm Whose responsible?

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Although I got the replacement GPU from EVGA RMA a while back it's only now that I've had a chance to get her back in to a system for testing.


The good news is both cores show x16 which one core in the previous card showed x8. See THIS thread.


The bad news is this card will not run 3dmVantage or FarCry2 benchmarks when it is set to SLI enabled although will if disabled. What good is that? :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:





I have read the many threads associated with this error all over the net and have tried the following to resolve it.


First the errors:


"Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered."



IDXGISwapChain::Present failed: Device removed.





Sadly many other have received the same errors.


What I tried to correct the trouble.


I adjust mem voltages manually

I have run memory diagnostics zero errors.

Tried two other pairs of memory 2x2 and 2x1 GB configs

I'm using FM approved gpu drivers.

I installed and reinstalled gpu drivers.

I'm using VM hotfix 1.01. for 3DMV

I've reinstalled 3DMV and hot fix.

I've installed reinstalled Adobe Flash and JavaRE.

UAC is disabled on my machine.

Tried disabling Aero using Vista Basic

I have run as administrator.

I've run dxdiag 32 & 64 no problems found.

I run game-o-meter system check OK ready to run.

I have all available windows updates.

Verified KB960715 is installed

I have the latest chipset drivers 15.25.

I have stopped all but essential programs one at a time from running in notification area.

I've no start programs running other than windows essential.

I've disabled anti V and firewall.

I use on board audio again latest HD driver version driver date 03/30/09

Windows & programs on Raid-0 C:\ Data on F:\

I tried older drivers that I knew worked with this card.

I used default clocks and stable OC clocks

GX2 fan at 100% temps ranged between 49-60c idle/load

All other system temp well within reason.

Tried all available 6x2 pwr on Corsair TX850.


Note: All the above are fixes that helped some overcome this issue and failed for others. So it's just possible if you are getting these errors one of them may help you


What I know/have eliminated at this point.


PSU is fine

Motherboard/chipset drivers/bios are fine.

OS,installed software and drivers are fine.

All memory module pairs and dimm slots are fine.


How I know this.


The system as currently configured runs both apps fine. Problem is I had to go the the heap and dig out a pair of 8800GTS 640's to SLI and test. I retested all memory and drivers (GPU Chipset included) with this config and ran 3DMV and FarCry2 benchmarks no problems. This effectively eliminates all the above and points to another failed GX2.








Okay, you

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lol, I sold my 9800GX2 BECAUSE an 8600GTS could run higher settings than it on FarCry2. I think that card is simply incompatible with with that game (which really doesn't matter now since now I hate the game, but I still liked my 4870 experience better). I got beta drivers to see if the GX2 would work but then the game wouldn't work at all, and even Devil May Cry 4, which worked before, wouldn't open with the tweaked drivers.

Good luck to you though, hopefully you find a solution.

Edited by IVIYTH0S

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well if I said I was pleased I'd be lying.


I bought this back in August of last year 08/14/08 to be exact. $459.99 total paid, but what the heck, this is what you pay for emerging tech, hugh? Almost one year later I finely get a working unit. About the time I would normally upgrade. Upgrade you say?, well yes, About every year I upgrade to new stuff and I suspect I'm not alone. The GX2 is an enthusiast GPU and as with most enthusiast products they don't come cheap. In there lies the rub. I'm not saying I deserve an updated GPU but the facts are I haven't had the use of one for almost a year and paid premium bucks for it. The facts are most new offerings single card and sli setups out perform what I finally have to use but never got a chance to enjoy when it was at the top of the heap. My 280 sgl out performs it a pair of 260's out perform it. So if I want to have a decent card I have to go buy one, sell the GX2 and swallow my losses. I know this all sounds trite but it's better to vent here then take it out on something else. I know I bought and paid for a GX2 and that's what I deserve, but I'm left with an awful taste in my mouth and feel I could have been treated more fairly. You say, What do I mean by that? I mean something of greater value, given the loss of use and progress of advancements. I'm not saying it should have been a 295, all though I did ask for an upgrade path to be reinstated, which is another source of the bitterness here. In essence I was ignored. I buy emerging tech, I am an enthusiast, and I expect it to work out of the box, don't you? I would have been happy with a sgl. 280 or a 275, even up, and asked for that as well, again no respect. So what I'm left with 3 months shy of a year is a deactivated item at New Egg. Newegg.com - EVGA 01G-P3-N891-AR GeForce 9800 GX2 1GB (512MB per GPU) 512-bit (256-bit per GPU) GDDR3 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready SLI Supported Video Card - Desktop Graphics / Video Cards It's a shame.


All that said, Still EVGA remains the best at RMA and support for it's products. I just wish somehow the rules were different. ie: no exact replacement after item is out of production instead an equal or greater valued production product or auto reinstate upgrade path after 2nd RMA, say for 30 days or some EVGA bucks, heck a fricken T shirt for God's sake, at least more choices. Is that to much to ask? The only real conciliation is I don't have to pay to send the 2nd card back.


Deep Breath..... ....... OK.... I'm better now...


Since everybody likes screenies (except AnandTech) and I'm no stranger to them. I'll post up the testing of the FINALLY working GX2.


Did I mention it took 9 months to get a working unit. lol



(high performance test results oc'ed)



(standard test results RMA replacement oc'ed)


all stock out da box


By owcraftsman



Looks like temps are under control but wait a minute……


By owcraftsman


Not sure how this stacks up because there was only one other GX2 tested that I could see.


By owcraftsman



Nothing like furry donuts yum yum

Maxed out at 105c


By owcraftsman


FC2 BM default run Dx9


By owcraftsman


FC2 BM default run Dx10


By owcraftsman


Some more Furry Stuff


By owcraftsman


after 9 months blaming Vista, EVGA Bios, EVGA motherboard, Nvidia Drivers, and User Malfunctions, all it was, was a defective GPU, a GX2, two of them…. Go Figure

Edited by owcraftsman

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Hi owcraftsman,


I had EXACTLY the same problem with my new GTX 295 for about 2 weeks all i got was video corruption and that "Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered." error. But its fixed.


The first thing i did was reset all settings in my bios, no overclock on any bit of hardware, ram timings set back to default everything. I just ran the system at stock speed with stock voltages/settings dont let the motherboard decide the voltages for you though input them manually, after i did that all my problem disappeared.


Anyhow after about 5 days of fiddeling i think the problem was i had not given the northbridge enough voltage aswell as having the ram timing too tight. But all the veideo corruption is gone aswell as that damn driver issue!


Good to see you got your problems solved its not good to shell out mega bucks for top of the line hardware just to have it fail - i was on the verge of sending mine back. Then again when a company mass produces X amount of chips there is always a chance someone will get a dud. Shame you got a pair of duds lol



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I was able to learn through this process the nvlddmkm is the driver, when it fails to load, before M$ updated Vista with kill bits you would normally get a BSOD's instead now we get this error message. Sadly that's no conciliation because it could mean anything. I had posted this on several forums and tried what worked for you but in the end for me at least it was the card itself.


Can you run 3DMarkvantage or FarCry2 Benchmark on your system?

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I was able to learn through this process the nvlddmkm is the driver, when it fails to load, before M$ updated Vista with kill bits you would normally get a BSOD's instead now we get this error message. Sadly that's no conciliation because it could mean anything. I had posted this on several forums and tried what worked for you but in the end for me at least it was the card itself.


Can you run 3DMarkvantage or FarCry2 Benchmark on your system?

Too many times it is memory related. NB or even video memory. It could be anything even the pcie losing data. I dont think i really can help. I hate not being there, I am just no good at helping people and not being able to tinker with it.

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