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Tweaktown Adblock Message


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I personally use Firefox along with Adblock plus to enjoy a relatively ad free browsing experience.

Even if ads are present, I am not the kind of person who clicks on them.


To my surprise, when I just popped over to TweakTown to view an article, after about ten seconds I was presented with this message:




Now this is the first time I've seen any website do something like this, which I why I found it slightly concerning.

I quickly browsed around the site a bit and it appears to apply to every page.


Now it's not necessarily the principle of implementing this that I disagree with (ad revenue is what keeps a large number of sites going), it's more how it has been implemented.

On the web, anything that forces something on the user is a no no in my mind (resize my browser without opening it in a new window and I'll be annoyed for example).

Displaying the message once and giving you a choice would have been far my preferable in my opinion.



What are your thoughts on this?


Do websites make ad revenue just from pages with ads loaded or is it just for clicks?

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I just saw this a couple of times last night for the first time. Didn't read it to know what was up and can't remember the site. I'm with you on having anything forced on me. But it is their site and they can do what they wish I suppose. Now it's up to the Adblock guys to outsmart it. Always a vicious circle. Truth be told I can live without Adblock if this catches on.

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It is there site so they can block you from viewing it if they want. I think it's a bit odd. I think they're hurting themselve because since I can't view it1 I may not refer someone else to view their content who may click on an ad. But, it's their site.

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While it is true it's there site and they can do what they want, I wont be visiting it and hope others do the same, if they loose a lot of traffic maybe they will have sense enough to figure out why. I personally hate ads with a passion. I also cant stand phone calls, snail mail spam and email spam and go out of my way with the FCC and USPS to stop them, along with sending there reply postage free envelopes back to them with info on donating to charities and such or put someone else advertised services in the envelope...

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Add this as a filter to Adblock Plus.




Thanks, that works just fine. :)

I might still avoid TweakTown for a while on principal and probably send them an email enquiry about it.


What a disgrace. Asking you to disable adblock? They can go and shove that up their rears as far as I am concerned.


To be fair, it's a very easy process to disable adblock for specific sites and then forget about it, but it's not something I would appreciate being forced to do.

Edited by jammin

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It's very easy, sure. But on principal? It's not exactly a great stance to take and seems somewhat foreboding, in that other sites might follow suit.

If everyone follows suite I will quit the internet....

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