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Tweaktown Adblock Message


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Bosco quit his dayjob?


No. And road-runner was making a bold presumption about other sites and NOT referring to OCC at all ... we'd never give a good review because we felt obliged to ... in fact, we have been quit damning to some products.

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Now it's not necessarily the principle of implementing this that I disagree with (ad revenue is what keeps a large number of sites going), it's more how it has been implemented.

On the web, anything that forces something on the user is a no no in my mind (resize my browser without opening it in a new window and I'll be annoyed for example).

Displaying the message once and giving you a choice would have been far my preferable in my opinion.

I completely agree. It's one thing to suggest a user to do something, but forcing them is unacceptable.

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It falls in the same level as the rules of a forum. Their website, their rules. Their choice, their consequences. I don't see why people are so upset. It's like whining about the rules on OCC. If you don't like the way theyr'e doing it, don't go there. Chances are it will have an effect, though.

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It falls in the same level as the rules of a forum. Their website, their rules. Their choice, their consequences. I don't see why people are so upset. It's like whining about the rules on OCC. If you don't like the way theyr'e doing it, don't go there. Chances are it will have an effect, though.

I agree mostly, It seems a bit different though I can come up with a good reason why. I do like the idea of asking them to not use an adblocker, but if they choose to do so then thats ok. And maybe give people the option of donating to not see ads.

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It falls in the same level as the rules of a forum. Their website, their rules. Their choice, their consequences. I don't see why people are so upset. It's like whining about the rules on OCC. If you don't like the way theyr'e doing it, don't go there. Chances are it will have an effect, though.


You have clearly missed the point though. Rules are one thing, but essentially demanding that ads are a requirement is something a little different. As I said before - it's like telling someone they are not allowed to channel hop on the TV when the adverts come on ...

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In which case, you have to weigh whether or not the information there is worth a couple "Congratulations! You've been selected to recieve two free iPod Nanos", I'd disable adblock for that site. If it wasn't, I wouldn't bother with it. In this case though, if you do feel strongly about it, boycotting or a petition with your problem will probably get problems solved. It's all up to you.


TV doesn't apply too well, there's nothing keeping me from getting up and grabbing a pop, an orange, et cetera.

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Well I think TV is a great analogy:


"Hello person. You can watch this episode of x-show, so long as you agree to watch the adverts/commercials. Otherwise, we won't let you see it at all."


Pretty much what is going on with Tweak Town. I agree that you can go and get a drink etc etc ... but still.



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while it pains me dearly to say this........faint.gif


I'm with Kamikaze..........


it is there site... if you don't like it... go to another website.... it REALLY IS that easy.....




:withstupid: The only time I have ever went there was for OCC news and affiliate reviews, I have not lost anything over there nor do they have anything that interest me...

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I agree,it is their website and they may run it as they please...


It would be different if you were a paying member of their website but (to my knowledge) as it stands none of you are and I'm sure that the majority of the visitors to their website are not either.


Whether or not you personally click on ads is irrelevant, that how websites make their revenue.

A good point was made as well, if it has those stupid screaming ads then by all means block the ad (it does after all force auditorial media upon you), but if they are simple ads (like the ones on OCC) then it really doesn't hurt to leave them alone...


I mean do whatever you want, I'm obviously not an authoritative figure on the intarwebz so what I say really has no merit...



Edited by Andrewr05

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