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Updating Bios

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I just got a new processor (AMD athlon 64 3200+) to replace my old broken processor for this computer. When I turn the pwoer on all the fans and lights and things come on, but no display comes up on the monitor. There is no onboard video and i am pretty sure that all the parts work for it(Video card, RAM, HDD and DVD drive). My friend said that it may not recognize the processor and that I should update the BIOS. How would I go about doing that? I do have a floppy drive i can put into my computer but i would rather use a CD or flash drive If I can. My motherboard is an MSI Neo K8t Neo-V.

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Have you tried clearing the CMOS? (link in my sig) This is generally necessary when switching the CPU.


If it's not completing the POST and displaying a video signal, then you won't be able to flash the BIOS anyway.

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