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Not in My Marines.


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This is always a tricky one. Soldiers are broken down and retrained to be able to kill people. If they can kill people then I would expect them to have a lower level of respect for animals because we eat them and put human life above them.


What this chap did is stupid, especially to have it filmed with an associate that uses his real name - real stupid. Its also juvenile stupid probably due to lack of life experience and exposure to a variety of differing opinions.


Would I kick this guy out of the forces? No!.

Why? Well I'm glad you asked. Its very simple really. I want the people that would be expected to defend me, my family and way of life to be the meanest, hardest, coldest, ruthless, efficient kick butt guys (and gals) in the world. I want ne'er do wells to think twice before they threaten me (however indirectly) because they know we could come down on their @sses like a ton of bricks, rip them a few new holes etc.


I have plenty of friends and acquaintances in the forces and find that the first year or so is when they are most likely to be utter @rses (if you want trained killers then something has got to give). Afterwards they seem to pick up where they were before they joined, just more focused and disciplined. Also much better at holding their liquor so nights out aren't as cheap.


The guy/kid messed up, we all do sometimes. If he's a serial animal abuser then he needs therapy otherwise reassign him and be done with it. Then again I guess it's better to report a tragic puppy death than those of the civilians and friendly forces in Iraq. What's your media poison outrage or resigned depression.


Body count:

Puppies = 1

Civilians = at least 90k

Coalition = 4282

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From what I understand the image of the Marine Corp is everything to a Marine and this, no matter what way you look at it is bad for the Marines. His butt should be kicked out, furthermore soldiers that kill puppies or any animal for fun don't make better soldiers.

Its irrational behavior, We are not comparing the death of a dog to a human I think the question is, "Is this the kind of person we trust to fight a war Justly and Honorably".

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equating animal life to human life is.... ludicrous.


To some, perhaps even to many. The majority isn't always right though.



Would I kick this guy out of the forces? No!.


Nor would I. At least not until we don't need him over there anymore.

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To some, perhaps even to many. The majority isn't always right though.


i strongly believe that save the sociopaths, if that was a baby instead of a puppy, people would feel differently. So let's stop comparing puppy death tolls to human death tolls.

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lol... you seriously wouldn't feel differently if that were a 6 wk old child?


No, I wouldn't.


I'm messed up like that, I guess. I can't empathize with other people. At all.




Of course if that were the case we'd probably need to have more serious consequences for the Marine in question since that would clearly be antiproductive to our war effort over there.


Anyways I'm not saying that my view is the right one (not even close, obviously) just saying that there are people who feel differently about every situation. You know there's at least a few guys on this forum that saw that video and thought it was hilarious. Some people are like that, others take a more realistic stance, others take a more moral stance.

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At the very least I think he should be made to pay a nice big fine in the form of a donation to an animal shelter.


I think the biggest cause of mental instability with soldiers is when they don't get to shoot people in combat, the movie Jarhead was good for dealing with the boredom factor of war and how much these kids just want to shoot and kill something so a cow or a dog seems like an introduction on how it feels to kill, i dunno


A Marine who has seen horrific things in war would probably have taken that puppy home and nursed it to health and felt proud of such an act. But that moron who has probably only shot at targets for much of his career sees throwing it off a cliff as the way to go.


Who knows maybe a dog will save his life one day. I fell into an icy river when I was about 7 and I couldn't get a footing or could swim at that time and an old Black Lab came close enough for me to get a hold of its collar and pull myself out. Thank F**k it wasn't a stray with no collar...lol.


I just can't stand by and watch anyone being that cruel to an animal. I would have shot that F**ker in the foot and said "My gun went off by accident, sorry dude".

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Hey, right or wrong, it still had the desired effect on the great majority of the American populace. Anger, rage, sorrow, etc. Who would argue, that with few exceptions, Americans are raised to have a conscience and a respect for life.

In my opinion, people who do this kind of thing definately have a problem. All US Militaries have lots of problems with their personel. Does anyone doubt that?

Perhaps this young soldier was merely trying to share what he is feeling by invoking the same reaction in others.

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