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[Resolved] - Random Shutting Down.

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Hi all, I require assistance as to what's going on with my System. I'm having random shutdowns (not reboots) with my system as of late. As of right now. I'm confident heat isn't the issue as I would keep an eye on smart guardian and temperatures are within normal conditions for being under a moderate load (Gaming).


CPU = 32C Idle / 39C Load

Chipset = 35C Idle / 42C Load

PWMIC = 40C Idle / 52C Load


I just replaced my PSU after my OCZ Powerstream 520W died on me, with the one listed in my signature. Also, I just replaced my Chipset fan with the Evercool VC-RE Chipset fan as well (The stock fan was dying and would only spin @ about 150RPM).


I was very careful when installing the VC-RE and I know I didn't scratch the motherboard or anything of that nature during the installation process.


Does a powersupply have a Thermal shutdown temperature? I ask this, because I installed this PSU upside down for what the P-180 Case asks for, and it may be suffocating itself in it's own heat? PSU is at the bottom of the case with the fan down. The PSU itself is elevated off the bottom of the case but maybe i'm trapping the heat in?


I'm at work right now, so I'll definately flip the PSU around once I get home if you guys think that could be the problem.


Some diagnoses I've tried thus far to figure it out is, Memtest & Prime.

Memtest ran through the full test without errors (I only let it run through one time however), and Prime was running smooth until the computer shut itself down again. No errors in Prime for the time it ran (about 20 Minutes).


What do you guys think? I even dropped my overclock and went back down to stock settings. Same shutdowns happen.


This system has been rock stable for me for as long as I've had it. Just since the death of my last PSU is when I've started having problems.



I'm looking to upgrade this system here pretty soon anyways (with prices so cheap on a new Q6600 & DDR2 how can I say no?). But I'd like to find the culprit of this particular problem so I know when bringing parts over to the new build I'll be working with working components.


Thanks for your time and help all. :)

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The TX750 Corsair is a top notch PSU - I'm running one myself. But they do generate a bunch of heat when pushing them hard, and it could very well be shutting itself off because of heat.


However, it also has a variable speed fan that should increase in RPM's as the temperature inside the psu enclosure increases. Do you notice the psu fan speed increase to maximum rpm's before the whole machine shuts down?


I think the first thing I'd do is exactly what you're thinking about, flip that sucker over and see what happens. My case (Antec 900) has holes so you can mount the power supply upside down so the fan is on top. Is your computer case the same?

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Guest SuppA-SnipA

well if u just changed the psu, and issues have started to occur ever since then, i'm sure it is the psu

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Yes it is the same way. I will definately try that then when I get home.


I don't know what possessed me to install it fan down in the first place actually.

Is there a possibility that I could've damaged that PSU because of this as well? Or would shutting itself off save itself from any real harm?

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so the fan would be facing the floor? hmm no no, face it up, try that :)


Exactly. Like I said, I don't know what I was thinking installing it that way in the first place...


I hope this resolves my problems.


Thanks for the help fellas. :)

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I doubt that any damage has been done to the PSU. The TX750 is like a tank. It will be fine.


Let us know how it goes. And if this doesn't solve the problem we'll get it sorted out one way or another. Lucky for us we got a Corsair rep. that spends some time here, so if it turns out to be a power supply issue I'm sure we can count on him to help you out.



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Alright, I just flipped the PSU around and rewired. Hopefully this solves the issue, I haven't pushed the computer as of yet, so I'm about to go play some HL2:Episode 2 here in a second to push it.


Funny, I looked @ the manual for my case, and it even warns against installing a PSU with it's fan down in this case (never a better time to RTFM, lol.)


To Speedeuphoria, that was the first thing I checked. The possibility of me forgetting to plug those 2 back in were high after installing the new fan (I move fast and forget a lot of . at times). They were however plugged in.


Thanks for the words of encouragement wevsspot. This forum has gotten me through worse, so if this doesn't take care of the problem I'm confident we'll eventually narrow down the issue. :)


Off to play some games now, will report back one way or the other. Computer would usually power off within an hour of playing so we'll find out soon enough I suppose.

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Forlorn. The issue is still there even after flipping the PSU. To still diagnose if this was heat related or not, I continued gaming with the side panel off.


This prolonged the time it took for the computer to shut off, but it still happened after about an hour and a half.


What other component in the PC would make the computer completely shut down, not random reboot? It's gotta be the PSU, right?


Should I just throw in the towel and exchange this PSU at the store, or do you guys believe it's something else?


From what I can tell, this computer is otherwise completely rock-stable. Gaming, DJing with Serato Scratch Live, Multi-tasking, ect. All work flawlessly upto the random shutdown (I'm even typing this message to you on said PC). I'm having a hard time believing it could be anything other than the PSU.


I'm open to any and all suggestions.


Thanks again for your prompt responses all, it's much appreciated. :)

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