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SVC a strange story


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I bought a Koolance 750 black external unit with a set of fittings for my 330 watter block. the whole deal was about 267.00 buck's including shipping. I used the SVC because Ive used them before and no problem's. I made this order on the 14 thursday in the evening as of this morning the 19 all I have received from SVC is a conformation that I en fact made the order. My visa docent show any activity so I got worried and called them and talked to there rep and he went to talk to the shipping dept and came back to tell me that my order had shipped and I should get it on the 21st .


Well Im all for that but after checking my email I still havent seen any activity on my Credit Card. And Ive never seen a online CO ship anything before they got paid. But anyway this happend over the holiday so I can understand the idea that there might be a delay, so I thought Ide let you guy's know what is going on since it is suggested that we use there on line store.


Anyway Im going to let you guy's know how thing's go every couple day's. Hopefully my part's will show up just like the store rep said they would, this isint like any online purchases Ive ever made but we shall see. BA

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To be completely honest, I'd have them cancel the order. Koolance components do not meet my standards for watercooling components because they are overpriced and use aluminum in their waterblocks and radiators, making them prime candidates for corrosion; and you could very get significantly better setup comprised of quality components for less.


If at all possible I'd cancel the order and get a "kit" from Petra's Tech Shop.

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Well I probably would cancel if the sales man ha dent told me they had all ready shipped my order and that It was going to be delivered on the 21st. I dont quite understand why there is no activity in my visa account or a shipping email there is just nothing after the original order conformation. I know you don't like the Koolance product's this isint about that it's about weather SVC is still a CO that we can trust. The last time I did business with them every thing went fine. Im not pointing finger's yet but im saying this docent look right. Im also saying that im disabled and I cant afford for them to tye up 260 buck's that I cant get anything for or use. And if they are messing me around I want every body to know about it. Wouldent you BA

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It sure does seem strange that they claim the order has shipped without there being any activity on your card or any emails with shipping confirmation.


I'd recommend calling them in the morning (if necessary ask to speak with a supervisor/manager) and find out what's really going on

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I woke up in the middle of the night and found this tracking number 1Z 0 03 6654150 377 7>alterd,, I havent checked the money end yet but im going to do that right now. Well the item's are beimg shipped and the money hasent been touched. Im confused. BA

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A lot of this depends on exactly how automated their order processing, order picking, and order shipping process is. Most every online vendor is at different stages of maturity and use a variety of different software applications for receiving orders online, processing those orders and then shipping them out.


I'll venture to say that sooner or later the charge will show up on your credit card. If not you can take two roads;


the high road - call them and let them know so they can get the money they rightly deserve (that's what I would do) - they'll probably reward you with a discount, free shipping on your next order or something similar


the low road - install the stuff and forget about it and hope they never find their mistake (not something I would do)


Right now the most pressing thing is that your order has actually shipped and you have a confirmed delivery date. Good for you.

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Hay Wevsspot how are you? Im a fairly honest person Ide rather tell them than go ahead and not say anything about it. With my luck they would wait until the one min I didn't have that much in my account Ide get hit with a Over Draft charge. I live on disability and if Im not carfull I can get into trouble for having to much money in my account. This happened to me last year so now a day's I just spend it and any savings has to go under the mattress so to speak. I don't take advantage of other people anyway. Not with my Karma



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I'm doing just fine. Stumbled across your thread here and figured I'd add my 2 cents for what it's worth (or not).


Hopefully you'll be pleased with your new w/c gear and hopefully it will arrive as promised.


Keep us posted. Remember to double check the entire loop for leaks for at least 24 hours BEFORE firing up your computer. The last thing you need is a leak damaging components that you may not be able to replace.


Good luck.

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Yea the only thing I have in my pc is a cpu block so far. I found out the original exos unit I was using was only good for 200 watt's. So I picked up the newest cpu block they have. And just ordered a 700wat unit that is upgradeable to 1000wat. Im thinking cpu and mabey north bridge chip set. The equipment has made it to Lenexa so far and probably be out for delivery tomorrow. That's one of the thing's I like about the koolance exos stuff is everything is on the outside of the box. There is just a cpu block with 2 compression fittings inside the box. You get those right your done. I use a second pc to test it I just set it next to it and hook up the power and watch it run. So far with only one simple loop there isint much to watch. BA

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Really kool If you ever get to KC come visit I live about 10min off I-70east on Paseo & Linwood blvd. About the time the box went out for delivery on the truck the money was taken out of my account. This is where thing's normally get messed up the package get's hear to the the KC Kansas DISTRO facility then it get's put on the wrong truck. I have all way's got the delivery in the end but in the last 2 delivery's I have had from Koolance have been messed up. That's why I have been watching this one so close. I'm hoping they will get it right this time. When doing New Egg I never had problem's with the shipping I could order on Mon ad get it on fri .


And to answer your question No Ive herd of it but am unsure of where it's at. But Ill be finding out. BA

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