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How to upgrade Motherboard+CPU without reinstalling Vista?

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I just ordered a new motherboard and CPU to upgrade to, but I have had mixed results with this before.


My current motherboard is a DFI Lanparty nf4 Ultra-D with an AMD Opteron 165 processor.


I'm upgrading to a ECS GeForce6100PM-M2 AM2+/AM2 with an AMD Phenom 9500 processor.


I want to upgrade the motherboard and processor without reinstalling vista (also there is no repair install option like xp). I'm assuming I will need to disable/uninstall certain devices/programs but not sure which ones. Also, I dual boot with XP, so I probably will have to disable/uninstall stuff on there as well. If you could detail what I need to disable or uninstall, so that this could go smoothly.


I have Vista Ultimate Retail x64 And XP Pro Retail

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I dont think thats going to work too well. Vista is picky about hardware changes. x64 is going to be even more picky. Your best bet would be a Fresh install. You will most likly have some form of driver isuess. But if you are going to try it do this, unistall all of your drivers for your motherboard, pci cards, and your video card. If you have a virtual drive, uninstall it. Also uninstall your anti-virus. Once you have done that swap your motherboard and cpu. Then do a repair with you vista and xp install disk. Note do your xp install first, then your vista "it has somthing to do with the boot loader". After you finsh you repairs go into windows and install your drivers/ and anti-virus.

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I really would like to avoid a fresh install at all costs. I do remember when I had RC2 of vista x64 installed, I swapped out my mobo for the one I have now and XP had problems (no biggie, just repair install) but vista worked just fine no problems whatsoever. I'm not sure if it would work different or not, but I'd like to make sure I do all I can to try to make this work.


When you say I should uninstall those drivers, should I do a uninstall, disable, or update the drivers to generic drivers?

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oops, stupid me thats for XP.


For Vista...good luck with that. It likes to "bond" to your friggin hardware =/


Looks pretty good, and at least should be good for xp, if not vista as well (I don't see why not) I really hope this works, because I really don't want to reinstall everything, that'd take forever.

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even if it works its a terrible idea.


You will very likely experience driver and stability issues. Any performance-oriented pc user will install a fresh OS with any major hardware change. Non performance-oriented users should do it simply for stability.


Whats so special about this particular windows install that makes it worth the risk?

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It's not risky, if it doesn't work I can still do a clean install, but I'd rather not have to, I have over 150 programs installed on vista and probably over 50 in XP, not including system updates, I would just like to bypass the hassle of installing all of them over again. The thing is, these are going to be compatibility drivers only during the switch of the board, if all is successful and Windows boots, I will reinstall better performance driver either from a driver disc from the motherboard provider or from the internet, stability shouldn't be an issue. I should be doing this tomorrow so I'll update on how successful/unsuccessful it was.


Thanks for everyone's help.

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Instability comes from installing a driver over a driver over a remnant of another driver. Nothing but a clean install will clear out the old drivers entirely.


good luck!


Just because drivers are still on the hard drive doesn't mean they are in use. When you install a new driver, it only uses the driver you installed, it doesn't use both the new one and the old one. I install new graphics card drivers and sound card drivers all the time, are you trying to say that causes instability? I don't think so.

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I think I may have found a way to get rid of the bsod, similar to the "repair install" feature of xp, only harder. I reconnected my old Moho and booted back into vista. Then I insterted the vista DVD and chose upgrade. Its still going but as soon as it restatts I will power off, reconnect the new Mobo and let it continue the "upgrade" with the new hardware. This should work, since a repair install always worked in so with a mobi upgrade.

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