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new X2 won't do >260HTT, old SD did >300MHz!


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I've gotten myself a pretested (10x300=3GHZ @ 1.392v) X2 3800+.

I managed to get it run OrthosPrime SmallFFT for over 13h with these settings, but PrimeBlend never does.


So i played with dividers/ram settings/clocks, no luck.

Now i found that anything beyond 260MHz HTT (Multi x3 of course) is totally unstable and would even only boot in 30% of all tries.


So i tried to change the RAM, from Extrememory DDR400 CL2.5 to G.Skill DDR400 CL2 with Infineon BE-5s, still absolutely the same.


This is strange, cause i had an SD3700+ running on 10x300 and even 9x333 24h+ PrimeBlend-Stable with this Board.


The only thing that might explain the situation is that i changed from 2x512 to 2x1gb and the memcontroller is reacting more sensitive.


Any clues? Might an DFI Expert do the trick?

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here's a list of what i already checked without success:


- Different BIOSes (623, 704BTA2, MerlinMod 17.10.07)

- Temps (all good: HR05 Chipset Cooling, PWMIC cooling with 120mm Fan)

- Swapped RAM / tested even below default specs (Extrememory CL2.5 and GSkill CL2.0)

- Higher Voltage on CPU/RAM/Chipset/LDT

- HTT Multi (from 3x300 to even 2x300)

- Tried different memory dividers

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The only thing that might explain the situation is that i changed from 2x512 to 2x1gb and the memcontroller is reacting more sensitive.


On top of that,

- Different memory controller will require different settings.


What power supply do you have?

And what are the temps? (CPU/PWM/Chipset)?


And can you post your settings here?



>DRAM Configuration..................Press Enter = New Menu

FSB BUS Frequency....................200

LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio..............X 5.0

LDT BUS Transfer Width...............16 16

CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio..............AUTO

PCI eXpress Frequency................100Mhz

K8 Cool 'n' Quiet Support............Disable

Cool 'n' Quiet MAX FID...............AUTO

CPU VID StartUp Value................StartUp


CPU VID Control......................1.4v

CPU VID Special Control..............104%

LDT Voltage Control..................1.20 V

Chip Set Voltage Control.............1.50 V

DRAM Voltage Control.................2.70 V


Run MemTest86+.......................Enabled, disable later

GENIE BIOS Setting >DRAM Configuration

DRAM Frequency Set (MHZ).............200 (DRAM/FSB:1/01)

Command per clock (CPC)..............Enabled

Cas latency (tCL)....................?

RAS to CAS delay (tRCD)..............?

Min RAS active time (tRAS)...........?

Row precharge time (tRP).............?

Row cycle time (tRC).................AUTO

Row refresh cycle time(tRFC).........AUTO

Row to Row delay (tRRD)..............AUTO

Write recovery time (tWR)............AUTO

Write to read delay (tWTR)...........AUTO

Read to write delay (tRWT)...........AUTO

Refresh period (tREF)................AUTO

Write CAS latency (tWCL).............1

DRAM Bank Interleave.................Enabled


DQS Skew Control.....................AUTO

DQS Skew Value.......................0

DRAM Drive Strength..................Level 8

DRAM Data Drive Strength.............Level 3

Max Async Latency....................6ns

Dram Response........................AUTO/Normal

Read Preamble Time...................5ns

Idle Cycle Limit.....................AUTO

Dynamic Counter......................AUTO

R/W Queue Bypass.....................AUTO

Bypass Max...........................AUTO

32 Byte Granularity..................AUTO

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