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Ok im trying to overclock but my computer does not boot up here's what i did

I changed FSB to 400mhz on 533 setting = 2.8ghz(default is 266)

CPU offset setting: default

default cpu voltage 1.3250v(this one is locked)

CPU VIT voltage setting 1.30

Dram Voltage setting: 2.05

ND chip voltage: 1.60V


no matter what setting i use my computer wont post when i try to overclock past 2.3 GHZ? what am I doing wrong.

Also i left the ram timings to default should i set them manually

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If you did not change the cpu multi then you were trying to boot up your system at 400X9=3.6, setting 533 have to do with your ram. So that is what you actually tried to do, boot up the system at 3.6 with a low vcore.

Like loggan says, try to find the max fsb your cpu can manage at a 1:1 basis with your ram, its a pity the bios on these board do not have the option to take the ram out of the equation by setting the ram way low so that you can find the max of the cpu in the process like the nf4 bios's did. I have had a couple of the 975 boards, I sold one and still have one, but it got beat by my p35 DS3 and Blood Iron. So I have it in storage not knowing what to do with it.

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You really need to take a look at the over clocking guides. It doesn't really matter what platform you are running. The same methodology applies. You cant expect to just plug in a 400fsb and expect that everything will magically run. And it's been my experience (on my INF 975X/G board) that it wont run anything over 385 fsb with any amount of stability.

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Ok im trying to overclock but my computer does not boot up here's what i did

I changed FSB to 400mhz on 533 setting = 2.8ghz(default is 266)

CPU offset setting: default

default cpu voltage 1.3250v(this one is locked)

CPU VIT voltage setting 1.30

Dram Voltage setting: 2.05

ND chip voltage: 1.60V


no matter what setting i use my computer wont post when i try to overclock past 2.3 GHZ? what am I doing wrong.

Also i left the ram timings to default should i set them manually


Hi Jixmixfix


I found my 975X/G was real picky with CPU's some booted high & some were almost useless. I was lucky enough to test about a dozen different CPU's thanks to work & friends. My first C2D CPU was an E6300 that would boot 495fsb on the 975X/G & run 460 stable but I found the x7 multiplier was to low. This E6300 on my ICFX would do 500 x 7 stable.


I eventually ebayed the E6300 & got an E6400 which would only boot about 425fsb on the 975X/G. I still have the E6400 & although I have not testes its max fsb it easily runs 460-465fsb stable on all my other boards & I have had it boot over 500fsb with my DFI LP P35.


Basically I found out that playing with the 975X/G was a bit like Russian roulette some board/CPU combos worked some didn't.


There are quite a few decent entries in the OCDB take a look. Here are some of my OCDB entries with the 975X/G for reference I hope they help.


E6300 @ 460FSB X 7 http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showpost.p...29&postcount=43


E4300 @ 356FSB X 9 http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showpost.p...27&postcount=56


E6600 @ 411 X 9 http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showpost.p...01&postcount=61


CN :)

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Hey, chump it seems as though your voltages on the e6300 overclock is hardmoded so its hard for me to relate with those numbers.But thanks.


Ye sorry about that, Its not hard modded it was a BETA BIOS that had the vtt & NB voltages all screwed up basically it was 1.35 vtt & 1.7 NB (maxed out)


Be sure to put a fan over the NB if using 1.6 + & I wouldn't recommend running max NB voltage 24/7 either but if you want to see what it can do then go for it.



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hey chump i agree running max NB makes it run very hot personally i just want like a 2.5,2.6 steady overclock, i dont have any extra fans all i have is stock cooling. I could get my Cpu to boot up at 2.5 but it restarts itself after about 20 mins of use. Any tips or suggestions?

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hey chump i agree running max NB makes it run very hot personally i just want like a 2.5,2.6 steady overclock, i dont have any extra fans all i have is stock cooling. I could get my Cpu to boot up at 2.5 but it restarts itself after about 20 mins of use. Any tips or suggestions?


My guess most likely RAM voltage causing the reboot perhaps you could run Memtest to try to work out what’s going on.


All my C2D CPU's could do 3GHz on there stock coolers @ 1.35v no problem so I am sure 2.5-2.6 is going to be easy.


I would set your RAM primary timings manually to there rating or slightly slacker & give your RAM its maximum rated voltage 2.1 -2.2 with EVP just to keep it out of the deal till you get it too boot.


This may also give you some references to start from, there is an entry if im not mistaken with your ram @ 863mhz with 2.2v on the 667 divider http://www.ocztechnologyforum.com/forum/sh...ead.php?t=26465



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Hey chump, i'm not sure if its memory but ill check on that, another thing is i cant reach a higher fsb then about 350-360 about 2.6 Ghz and at 2.5 ghz my computer boots but restarts itself after about 20 mins playing a game or something. I wanna keep it at a steady rate at around 2.6 or something and leave it at that. How long have your core 2 duos been running at 3.0 GHZ for steady? I also put in your exact settings on the E6300 over clock you sent me and my computer will not even boot.

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