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SilenX Fans Are Evil!


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If anyone has ever thought about buying a SilenX fan...please rethink it. I bought into the hype about how quiet they were and how much air they could move (stupid me). Lately I've noticed my temps have gone up about 5c system wide and wasn't sure what the cause was. I finally unhooked my system and low and behold all of my SilenX fans were dead, frozen up and leaking some type of oil (I'm guessing the bearing went out). Two of the fans appear to have nearly caught fire and torched my baby! All of the fans had zero dust build up on them and were fairly clean so I see no reason for them to have died so soon...only been in my case for about 9 months. Anyone else have this issue with their fans or is this just a common issue?


Some pictures for your enjoyment:






New on the left, old on the right








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Its quite unheard of to see two fans from SilenX to go bad at the same time but we all must accept that "stuff happens".


Since the fans are within the warranty period, RMA them back to the manufacturer for replacement.

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i needed a thin 80 mm fan since i got a psu with broken fan >_< from aerocool, was on lan, so i just, warranty, nah, . happens opened and had a thin 80 mm from zalman, and just. hmm, ohh wires is in wrong order, fixed that, used it, died on impact while pushing 8 hdd's 2900 XT watercooling 110 watts overclocked cpu and all that ..


pulled it out, placed it in my case, got new psu, connected everything, and just hmm, lets see how much it noise(running at 100%, so i thought).

I foregot to fix the wires again, so it was standing still, while all the power went through the wires(inductor) or what its called in us.

it was seriously HOT, fixed the cables, tried it, worked like a charm still.

it had LOTS of dust on it, i got a voltage of 12.02 volts, so no power loss in my system.


and well, i have never ever had a fan to die on me, i usually do flamethrower tricks to clean old fans for my old test computers, just have a at psu, plugin the fan, flame it for some seconds, none die.


So will take this review into my head, and not buy silenx =)

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Good thread from SilentPCReview about this subject;




I've never lost a fan from motor or bearing problems, but I did have a cheapo LED fan turn into shrapnel when the plastic in one of the blades deteriorated and broke. (It was an 80MM fan on top of that, running at full tilt!)


I heard a "crack", then there was a loud WHAM! Pretty exciting!

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