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NorthBridge chipset on P5K with AC-7-HSF


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I have a standard P5K vanilla with a AC-7-HSF onboard to keep my OC'ed C2Q6600 cool and it work's fine at that. Then I found out that the passive heat sink the north bridge chipset uses isint passive at all. It's a real nice copper heatsink with heatpipe and extra heatsink on the back of the board.


Anyway it seam's that stupid NB heatsink uses the air from the standard Intel heatsink and fan assembly to keep NB chip set cool. Well Im not the only person using this exact setup what is everybody else doing to keep the darned NB chip set cool. Im getting 45C to 50C on my MB temp's and I think this is the deal. Any body have any suggestion's on this? BA

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Im just trying to find out where the MB temp sencer is located on the MB. I have a 31C degree quad and a 46C Degree MB now aint that strange. Im thinking that the heatsink fan is blowing over the top of the NB_heatsink and not hitting it. Im going to use compressed air at about 10lb's or so and see if I can find the sensor Well that didnt work. Darn it I shot cool air on the heatsink's boath below and to the left of the cpu heatsink and the MB temp didnt drop any at all. Where are they hiding that stupid Sensor?

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There isn't a N/B temp sensor on the P5K. As long as you have decent airflow through your case N/B temps will never become an issue with the P35. They don't run how, if you are having problems point a fan in the direction of the N/B and see if it helps with your stability.


Check your CPU temps with Coretemp, the motherboard temps are not very reliable.

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Ever since I installed that monsterous 8800gts video card my air flow is terrible that vid card just cut's off the bottem front of the box where the front fan is. I dont really think it's the North Bridge chip set that is getting hot it's where ever the sencer is located on the MB. And I don't have a clue Ive been shooting air at thing's on the MB all day trying to spot some fluctuation in the temp as I do it. NO go o welld

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The motherboard sensor is just above the dimm slots.


Sounds like you may need to work on your exhaust, heat rising from the vid card and the memory.


@cegras None of the three p35's I've owned have had a N/B temp which leads me to believe there is no integrated sensor.

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Front and Back I believe I still havent figured out what im going to use for a cpu cooler yet the AC-7-92mm cooler is doing pretty good but i plan on useing something like tec Monsoon or something like that in the future. They have got those little tec and air unit's down to about 120 to 150 buck's and that's with no liquid's. Now I dont know that might also mean no performance I dont know. I read that danged MB book from one end to the other trying o find out where that sencor is. Above the ram slot's there is only about 3/4 of a in of MB left to the top edge.


Once i get the psu and the wire's in Ill try to get a few pic's to let you guy's what is going on. You would think that sencor info would be in the MB book. I may put a little fan on the Nbridge chipset once ai get all the other stuff on Thanks for your time Ill let you guy's know how thing's go after the ram and psu come's in tomorrow. BA

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Just a quick update I got the 700wat OCZGameXStream psu and the other 2 stick's of ram installed As far as cooling is consirned the cpu is alittle cooler and the ram stick's are quite abit hotter as I can hardly hold my finger on them. I think Ill be buying one of those ram cooler's with the little fan's in them. I wasent able to drop the vcore much to maintain the 3.3Gig so im going to wait a day or so and then try pushing it alittle farther. BA


EDIT- after a couple hour's I figured out im able to maintain the 3.3Gig level at a reduced vcore of 1.50 instead of 1.53750 my P-95 still error ed out at 1.55 at 3.4and im not sure if I want to push the vcore past that voltage without better cooling. At 1.5 it's running at full load at 43/44C at100%& 3.550Gig or 4Gig of ram. I noticed Im getting alot better airflow since I changed the psu.


EDIT- Again we have some strange temp's as after a couple hour's or so my PC_Probe_11 program that monitor's the temp's and voltage's of my MB and cpu is sitting hear reading 165C on the MB sensor I have a hard time believing that as I don't see any flame's or smoke it look's pretty good other than that.

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