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S*sigh* What gives with my temps


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So installed a swiftech apogee block on my 939. 120mm rad dual fans push pull config. Temps are like 35 idle 42-43 load, ambient is like 68-70. Was hopeing for a little better than this! AS5 and all that jazz as well. Flow is pump-cpu-rad-pump. Previous owner states 38 load temps with this setup. Is this normal?


*edit* 1/2 inch tubes :)

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Lot of guys here would love to see a 43 degree load temp with an Opty 165 at 2.8G :)


A lot of times we make our selves krazy over temps but it's really tough to make an accurate measurement.

Depending on what and how you are using, it can easily vary (either high of low).

Put the same components in a DFI NF4 it could measure differently.

In fact, you often see BIOS updates issued/available to correct temperature reading issues.

You didn't mention what program you were using, but PC Probe, MBM 5, Everest, NextSensor, ITE SG, CoreTemp, all use slightly different GUIs to generally give us virtually identical readings. :D


Pretty kewl, shows that software can make a calculation and accurately show that the on-board diode can be 9 degrees off :D

CoreTemp is a wonderful program, but the DTS feature in the 939 chips wasn't fully supported in that series.

And all of the temp sensors are affected by air flow/temp increases inside the rig.

Actually all the programs seem to have their own little quirks and it often boils down to a matter of user preference.


Dude, that's a nice little rig.

I mean, look at your rig,

An Opty 165 OCed over 1GHz (55%) and 43C at load.

An 8800 (they give off plenty O'Heat).

Swiftek Blocks. Water Cooling.

120mm rad dual fans push pull config.


Why I oughta come over there and slap you silly :)

Excuse the pun, but "Chill". Most of us would be thrilled with those temps.

Enjoy it, you are fine. Color me green.

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only reason being is i went wc cause air was unreliable. i mean on air i would idle at 29 and shoot way over 55 load. I am using core temp. i know its good but i wanted this sucker frosty. In core temp at load it will go up to 52-55 sometimes. usually during orthos.


No matter what i can not for the life of me get this opty over 2.85 gets to windows screen and freeze. *sigh*

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That's the real reason to go with WC. Reliability.

165 AT 2.8 at 43 CoreTemp LOAD is great.

Might not be the real temp though :)

Their's just too many factors in this measurement.

Just not fair to get krazed cause someone reported 5C lower on a similiar rig.

(I am more than happy to assist in testing that rig if I get my hands on it) :)


You're good to go.

Course a pic or two of the rig and maybe a screenshot with Everest would spice the thread up a little.

Get our juices flowing a little bit :D

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hm......maybe wondering if i should turn my pump down to 4????? not enough time in radiator maybe????? or will that screw some shiz up.


Also my rad is in the from of my case exhausting the air out. This would be optimal correct so i am not to heat the case up with the air???

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I have the Swiftech Apex Ultra H20-220, Apogee GT CPU block and Swiftech n/b block. At first I was feeling disappointed with my results vs. my old Zalman 9700 and ThermalRight HR-05 because I "thought" my idle temps would be drastically different under H20 than air cooling.


I was mistaken on that for two primary reasons with my rig.


1. I really didn't pay enough attention to the influence ambient air temps have on the performance of water cooling kits that aren't using TEC blocks.


2. I didn't take into account the huge amount of heat my 8800 was putting into my case.


After much research, question asking and forum browsing I came to the conclusion that my w/c setup was functioning as it was designed, AND the primary benefit I was getting from it was the ability to remove heat while the computer was under load. And in reality thats where water cooling really shines. My o/c'd E6600 would generate temps from 66-68C on the individual cores during an 8 hour run of Orthos stress testing while under air cooling. This is running at 3.4ghz and 1.47 vcore.


Now with water cooling, neither core exceeds 59C during an 8 hour run of Orthos stress testing. And you are seeing the same improvements in your temperatures under load, so I would have to echo what others have said here. And that is your system is running pretty good right now the way you have it set up.


The only real opportunity I see is you radiator setup. True, you aren't sucking hot air into your case, but you are using the hot air inside your case to try and cool the coolant in the radiator as it exits the case. Remember the ambient air temperature discussion when taking this into consideration.


I think thats the primary reason so many w/c experts go to such great length to get their fans and radiators outside of their boxes and into a seperate enclosure or mounting system.

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