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South bridge cooler lap


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My proc died so I have some down time and I thought to myself that cooler on my South Bridge looks like a chain saw cut it. But my real question is, what is the yellow foam around the HSF base for? is it to keep me from crushing the stuff around the south bridge, or to keep me from shorting out stuff? And can it be removed and I replace it with something? like say some electrical tape? I really want to lap it because it looks terrible. thanks guys



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What you see is the outer edges of the thermal pad placed in between the cooling fan and the chip.


If you want to improve cooling to this chip, your best bet would be to take off the stock fan and replace it with an aftermarket unit such as the various models made by Evercool. (http://www.svc.com/vc-re.html) The thermal pad should be completely removed and replaced with a non-conductive thermal compound.


Most people here prefer AS Ceramique for this usage. (http://www.svc.com/chidethcobya.html)

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