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To you fan gurus


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Now, I know you guys might yell at me for this idea, but I *am* a Speedfan addict, and my next build (in a while) will have some fans that I will be sticking in place of whatever stock case fans I get.


So my question is, how well do the most mainstream fans (e.g. Yate Loons, Noctuas, etc, etc) take to PWM from the mobo fan headers? Most of the have a 'fixed' voltage and dba, but what I was thinking was buying some medium speed fans and then controlling them via software to handle the cooling as needed.



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There was a post on this board about the fan header's and the max amperage allowed across then, so obviously I'm going to buy fans specced for it.


Rheostats are, in my opinion, the ugliest, most useless pieces of . ever. I don't want to burrow into my desk or reach down to twiddle knobs every time I want to play games.


Example: the variable fan knob on the Tt Big Typhoon. Only one thing to say: wtf.


So my question still stands - how well do these mainstream fans take to PWM?

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So in essence, PWM controls the amps that are flowing through the wires?


Not exactly. Pulse Width Modulation produces a square wave with an amplitude equal to the supply voltage (i.e. 12V) by regulating the time high and time low the mean voltage is controlled; in other words, the fan is pulsed on and off.

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I looked at the Sunbeam software fan controller, but it seems to have a lot of problems concerning it's interface and the proprietary software that's bundled with it. If only such a thing could be controlled via speedfan ..

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there is no software with the fan controller, there are 4 headers, 4 knobs to control voltage received to each fan, general rule of thumb is for a quiet mode turn the knob so the light on the controller just turns red. I use one on my gaming rig to quiet down my 2 120mm panaflo beheamoths, one of the best buys i've made for this rig

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