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No more analog!!!


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Link --> http://hometheater.about.com/od/television...b172009date.htm


On February 17, 2009, all over-the-air analog television transmission signals on channels 2-13 and 14-69 in the U.S. will come to an end...at least that is the current plan approved by the U.S. Government, via the Congress and the FCC. Yes, the Federal Government is requiring all television broadcasters and television viewers to convert from analog to digital by a specified date.



This is so going to suck for all of us that have NTSC tuners for are media center's/HTPC's! We will now need a box that will convert Digital-to-Analog. How is this going to work with are tv tunner cards? I dont want a box "cable or conveter" in my bed room!

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Only specifies the analog to digital switch for over the air broadcasts. It's possible that cable companies will still have analog basic cable; but that'll probably depend on the cable company.


I would not mind that. I just dont want to have to buy a box to convert digital to analog.

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From what I can tell over the air analog is just about dead anyways; by now almost everyone either has cable or dish. It would be stupid for the cable companies to quit transmitting an analog feed since there are a large percentage of people who don't have HD-ready TVs; in addition to the fact that analog-only tuners are still being sold.

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Actually there will be NO more analog transmissions, all of the companies will be using either a set-top box or satellite receiver.


The reason you won't have an issue with a set-top box or satellite receiver is that they are already converting it within the device itself. That's why you can get both digital and analog signals out of them.


At least thats the news we got from the FCC in a bulletin sent to our shop.


Also you should be seeing fliers, store displays, or fact tags that will have a warning about any tv or device that still has an analog tuner (without an NTSC tuner) stating that this will be taking effect.


The warnings will read:


Consumer Alert:


This television receiver has only an analog broadcast tuner and will require a converter box after February 17, 2009, to receive over-the-air broadcasts with an antenna because of the Nation's transition to digital broadcasting. Analog-only TVs should continue to work as before with cable and sattellite TV services, gaming consoles, VCRs, DVD players, and similar products.


For More information, call the Federal Communications Commission at 1-888-225-5322 (TTY: 1-888-835-5322) or visit the Commission's digital television website at: www.dtv.gov .

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Yes, but where do those companies get their programming? From the big networks, local broadcasts, and other sources. All of their content providers will be going digital (not the same as HD) by federal mandate .


So what do you propose they do? down convert it from digital to analog to please a minority in their audience?


If you would have read in the link that is provided in the bulletin that I posted you would have found out that it includes all broadcast media, not just over the air. If you have a cable-box which you need for a pay TV cable service (Since nearly no companies that are in that business will let you have cable without one) you will be fine, because it can do any conversions for you. Same with satellite tv, but you need a decoder box for them no matter what anyways.

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So will a companie like time warner cable charge me for a box for all my tv's? That would be just one more charge on my already over priced cabe bill! What realy would suck is having to set up a box for my media center.

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They shouldn't be charging you extra, but if you want to know more about their plans you could try either calling them up or stopping by their office and talking to their installers. (I say to talk to their installers because they're usually more helpful than the desk clerks.)


I know Mediacom, which is the cable company where I'm at, is giving theirs out as free "upgrades". The only upgrade about them will be a clearer signal.

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My analog-SD tuners should still be useful as input devices for HD-HDMI sat. and cable boxes (Blueray and HD-DVD, too) as all these devices will be degrading 1080P to 480P if the DCMI flag is used by the broadcaster.


True, it mainly affects only HTPC set-ups who still wish to record and back-up shows to DVD, but baised on OTA shows SD Digital (480P) isn't bad at all.


I'm judging this PQ by viewing on a Sharp 52" D92 true 1080P screen.

Yes, I'm sitting across the room, and watching a show, so it looks fine to me.


Oh, and already these cards a re disapearing form stores.

The nVida dual SD card is long gone, and Newegg posts a warning on the cards they still carry.


No one has started lowering prices, of course! :sad:

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  • 3 months later...

I've heard that that government will pay most of the costs to get everyone these digital-to-analog converters (i give that a one in a trillion chance ha).


Also, the 'over the air' analog broadcasting is ending, and from what i think i have heard, the FCC is selling those frequencies to the highest bidder (some being google and the various cell phone companies) and they plan on making coast-to-coast cell phone reception with no dead spots as well as city-wide wireless networks.. good luck on any of this!

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