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Room heats up..


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Whenever my computer is on, gaming, idling and what not, after a few hours, it really heats up my room to be unbearable.


usually my room is around 25C, but it gets to be 29-31C after , what should i do?


All my fans are on full, should i lower them? im seriously out of ideas, and my comp is loud as xxxx too



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Whenever my computer is on, gaming, idling and what not, after a few hours, it really heats up my room to be unbearable.


usually my room is around 25C, but it gets to be 29-31C after , what should i do?


All my fans are on full, should i lower them? im seriously out of ideas, and my comp is loud as xxxx too



I live in the Pacific Northwest, east of the mountains. We have had temperatures well into the 90F to 100'sF for the past two months. I have central air (75F), but still turn on a stand-alone fan in my computer room aimed at my computer. It is a bit cool for me at times.


I am using the stock HS/fan that came with my X2 4800+ and my temps run around 32-35C idle and 36-38C load/gaming.

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.....what should i do?


Turn the central air-conditioning on to lower the ambient temp.




My computer room is in the lower level of the house and like the room below 60ºF. The trouble is I have three German Shepherds and then generate a lot of heat also. When the AC is off I use window fans and floor fans to pull the cool outside ambient air in to the house.

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my house is usually 23C, so its fairly cool, and i dont wana have the AC turned up even more just for my room.


should i put my comp on the AC vent? lo


You got to lower the ambient temp. If you don’t want to turn the AC up-down then put windows fans in. Turn the fans on at night pulling the cool air in. The room temp will drop shut them of during the day. I run the AC and fans. My AC is set to 70ºF and I often use window fan when the out temp drops below that. I like it cool anyway and so do the dogs.


You could direct the AC vent at the computer. Watch out for condensation. What volts are you using? Maybe open the case up?

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man AC , back over here in the darkage , i mean England, u just dont get AC in homes.


i get the same temp problems in my room 30c odd. the best thing i do is create a air stream through my room.


i in my house i just shut all the windows ,on the side of the house my rooms on, then just open my window so the air can only come in or go out my window.


even if there is'nt bugger all wind i can still get sum sort airflow through, its just getting the right windows open or shut.

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weather is cooling down soon, so ill just close the vent in my room when heater is on, and just open window ;)


ill need to, im hitting up to 60C with 2.7ghz, 1.47 volts needed, or 2.4ghz and 1.38, big change :S


and i hit 9k in 3dmark06, but comp froze b4 i could take a screenie, :D

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my solution is always a ceiling fan or a regular box fan (that's all that has ever cooled my 'labs' beyond what the AC could do without running 24/7).


Ceiling fans are great, they can suck up heat to the ceiling then the air is cooled and falls back down the walls (to be sucked up again repeatedly keeping it cool usually). Another good thing is to keep the comp room door to the rest of the house open so fresh air can be brought in (another positive of having a reversible ceiling fan). Igenerally just put a box fan in the doorway of the lab to bring 'fresh' (ie: cooler lol) air in from the rest of the house, which also can make warm air expel above it by the pressure/force of the fan (i just leave my cheapo Home Depot $10 box fan on lowest setting)

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