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Very High Zalman9500 Temps


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hey guys


i'll get right to the point.... i've had this zalman9500 for about three weeks now.

and earlier under load it wasn't going above 55C, however now i'm seeing load temps of 60C with my side cover off. ( i also have tried resetting the sink and saw the same temps)



I know that technically the chip can handle 60 but when everest reads the CPU @ 60, core @ 64, core 2 @ 66... kinda got me worrying. it will shutdown if she reaches 65C.


I also have her overclocked to 280X10 currently....... -- my vcore is 1.5 -- ltd volts - 1.2v -- chipset voltage - 1.5v -- dram voltage - 2.8v

(a64info screenshot if needed - more info)


now i did just recently add another exhaust hole right at the back of my case so that it would match up better with the zalman, however temps haven't changed too much. (newest case picture) i know the wires aren't that well tied back (had some psu issues, and my corsair620 just shipped this morning) but i doubt that the wires would cause such a crappy cpu temp.


as of right now i have the two exhaust fans at the rear, 1 in the psu and 1 on the roof . intake wise i have the 2 at the front, and i also have that pci-card fan in there too.


from what i gather from the other threads, some people believe that intake > exhaust in most circumstances is the better choice.


i have a 70mm circle cutter that i could easily pop two or three fans for the side of my case (if it would be suggested) but i kinda want to hear from some experienced people first before i start cutting the crap-o-la out of my case.



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see ya got all four sticks in there still Good job man. you know i use to swear that the BT was the only CPU cooler to have. And it was on a single core but this duel core puts it to the test and I'm sure that zaman is the same way. When they start sending 4 tube heat pipes for stock cooler ya got to know there heating up

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Airflow is opposing. Congrats on setting up a mini-typhoon generator ; )



ahah yeah i know... i kinda figured something was up.

ah well, i'll try switchin it and re applyin some AS then watchin the temps, if they don't decrease that much i'll just add a side fan or 2.

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alright so I'm seeing terrible temperatures with this zalman even with it facing the proper direction.


i've tried adding a small house fan blowing towards the pwmic area and kind of overlapping on the zalman itself and still under load I see temperatures reach 60C +.


I'm really beginning to think I made a large mistake buying this HSF...


I've tried dropping my vcore a bit from 1.5 to 1.45v and it still really hasn't helped too much. I guess I'll try clocking backwards to 270 + dropping the vcore as much as i can to see if temps improve....


all in all I'm pretty disappointed, I can't lie. does anyone have any other suggestions..


should I look into lapping this thing? just replace it? or what do you think...

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yea i've tried a few times already. i guess once more can't hurt.

unless i'm doing something completely wrong... i dunno whats going on.


i've followed the arctic silver's instructions and watched some old-school video off amd's web-site and read/seen some of angry's tutorials as well.

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