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Top of case radiator mount

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This might seem like a very foolish question but, I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to mount a radiator at the top of a thermaltake tsunami dream case internally. I'm perfectly willing to cut out the top 2 CD drive bays to make room for it, but I'm not sure how well the radiator would work mounted like that. The barbs would be facing down towards the bottom of the case and I'm not sure how this would influence the flow (seems like it would be a huge pain to bleed). The top of the case would be cut for fan holes.


This is my current setup. http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/9139/copyimg1057at8.jpg


Ideally I would be adding a 240 rad at the top along with a T line to get rid of that reservoir. From what I have measured so far there would be enough room inside with some cutting, I'm interested in the hassle and logistics of trying to get something like this working properly. I'm not really interested in buying a new case at the moment and was looking for a case mod to entertain me. I would much rather keep everything inside the case for easier transporting.


If you got this far thanks for reading :)

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I'd say it's a very viable option to put the RAD at the top of the case. My one recommendation on cutting fan holes is to go with 110mm holes; if you go with 115 there won't be much material between the holes and it'll likely break on you.

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I just finished a set-up with the rad on the top, except mine was on the outside of the case in a separate enclosure. It bled down in probably 45 minutes. I just made sure the t-line was never empty and let the thing run while I randomly checked for leaks.

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I'm thinking about getting a CM stacker and doing this with my 120.3 rad. The only thing i'm worried about is how having the rad on top will affect filling it. If I use a reservoir it will probably need to be at the top as well. Maybe i'll just use a t-line and cut a hole on top for that as well. How do you guys plan on setting up your res/t-line?

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just turn it on it's front/back when you've filled to get the barbs and the little air pocket behind them to be the purged of air it'll take a bit of rocking and so forth but once you have the air out it'll be fine

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