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Alchol fueled mayhem

Guest drteming_merged

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Guest drteming

UPS delivered my Tuniq tower today and the base was far from satisfactory--it was actually slightly convex. So I got out the sandpapers, glass plate and a bunch of beers and began my usual lapping routine. The lap job went fine but in the mist of monotony, the mind began to wonder, and with the aid of a constant stream of barley derived ethanol, I came up with this idea:


What if I made an apparatus that dripped 90% isopropyl alcohol onto the fins of the heatsink at a rate that the alcohol will completely evaporate before it comes in contact with the MB? That will surely increase the cooling efficiency of the heatsink.


The more I drank, the better the idea becomes, until when I finished lapping, a moment of lucidity broke through the alcoholic haze as I stared into the deep shine that is now the base of the tower--God damn, alcohol is flammable! Any organic liquid that will evaporate fast will be flammable, be it acetone, ether, etc, and I was not about to use distilled water. If the fumes get sucked up into the power supply...well, that will be the ultimate mod--actual blue flames shooting out the back of my case, but that will definitely raise the temperature too high.


The moral of the story: Ideas born of alcohol tend to go up in flames :P

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Guest drteming
you could use everclear and 'mod' in a dispenser for shots coming out of the front panel!


I had another thought: Use the everclear on the testbench (to reduce the chance of fire) and face the fan towards yourself and inhale deeply. You'd either get nice and drunk from the rapid absorption of almost pure ethanol from the lungs or suffer pulmonary arrest as the alcohol dissolves the surfactants in the alveoli causing their collapse.


WoW thats to much thinking man give me some of that stuff your smoking


...that was many many moons ago...


We gotta know what brand of beer you drink, dr!


There are brands? I thought there's only BEER.


Anyway, here's the base of the Tuniq



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I had another thought: Use the everclear on the testbench (to reduce the chance of fire) and face the fan towards yourself and inhale deeply. You'd either get nice and drunk from the rapid absorption of almost pure ethanol from the lungs or suffer pulmonary arrest as the alcohol dissolves the surfactants in the alveoli causing their collapse.


HAHA.......awesome man. That was like a quote from Dr. House!!!!

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Glad you had a moment of clarity, that could have ended up bad if you didn't, hehe. Enjoy that Tuniq, that's a great cooler. I wish you would have taken before-lapping temps though, for comparison.

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