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Grindog Cetu`

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I spilled water during a water loop rework, and now I'm having 'trouble' I cleaned it all up, and booted windows just fine after I fixed the leak problem, and it ran for a few minutes... then just restarted... great... so now it gets to where it asks me if I want to boot to safe mode or last known good... no matter what I choose, it tries to boot then restarts, doesn't get very far at all... not even to the scrolling windows screen... so i thought maybe I'd install windows on a spare drive I had sitting around (you know, maybe I spilled water on the HDD, and it's bad, no big deal, all my data and documents are on a RAID 10 array :-) I get into windows setup, and while it's loading raid drivers, Windows Setup in the top corner changes every once in a while to "Grindog Cetu`" I have everything back at stock, and only the one new HDD installed at this point... I disconnected my RAID array to keep my data hidden away and safe. my RAID is on the SIL chip and my boot drives on the NVIDIA chip... It sounds like a RAM issue, witht eh weird heading in windows setup... but I've never seen anything like that before... I figured I'd leave it to evaporate any water, try a long CMOS clear and start again... anyone have any input on how I can get Grindog Cetu`ed so i can use my computer again? lol

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I did drain it, when I put it all back together and tested it with the rest of the computer computer powered down (paper clip trick) two of the hoses were loose and spewed water... didn't get much before I deflected it out of the case, but some got on the back of one of my 7900s and somein the bottom of the case... guess once it's had time to dry out, and the long CMOS clear is over, I'll see where I'm at...


here's to Microsoft Grindog ^^

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OK! I fixed it! The BIOS (actually the CMOS, but we're not being technical here are we? :-) was corrupted, I was seeing all sorts of crazy lettering in the post screen... but a long cmos clear solved that, booted at stock setting into my original install, ut still had a problem, the screen would flicker repeatedly as windows started and it started SLOW, so I rebooted in safe mode, no problem... ok... since I've had similar problems before and it turned out to be a video driver issue, I'll try that... sure enough, fresh driver install has me up and running again, no problems so far for an hour... I'm the man! lol actually, no I'm not since I FUBAR'd it in the first place... next time I'll make sure my clamps are all tightened properly!


time to put my OC back!

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yeah it will! I actally had them just as tight as normally had them, but I just added my second pump... so I guess the extra pressure meant they weren't quite tight enough... Thank god I didn't permanently damage anything (so far anyway) I guess my last minute decision to leak test was a good idea, lol... I wonder what wold have happened if I'd had everything up and running when it happened!

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