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Guest navinjohnson_merged

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Guest navinjohnson

I need a little help here....


I am designing a heatpipe/waterblock cooling system using 4 copper heatpipes filled with R134a that have a diameter of a quarter of an inch and wall thickness of approximately 1/32 in. All 4 pipes will be contained in a 2inx2inx2in copper cube with water flowing through at a rate of 2 gallons per minute. The water is 23C. The 4 heatpipes have 15 1/32in copper fins attached to them that are 2inx2in. Only 8inches of heatpipe is exposed to water total. The radiator in the loop is sufficient enough to return and temperature water to 23C.


What is the maximum wattage this system will be able to dissipate while maintaining at most a CPU case temperature of 50C?



I think thats everything...



P.S. I think that the heatpipes have a near perfect transfer of heat. So if the CPU puts out 300W, the heatpipes will transfer near all 300W to the cool end of the heatpipes. Please correct me if I am wrong.

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I'm not sure how you're going to get any benefit out of 134a. It has to be able to boil to absorb heat. At atmospheric pressure the boiling temperature is -23C. Even under 150 lbs or so of pressure the boiling point is approximately 12C. If the water is going to be a minimum of 23C the gas will never be in liquid form. Hence no boiling and no heat transfer.

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Guest navinjohnson

ah, you are correct. I was just going off of what I had found on the net for homemade heatpipes. Water or alcohol would work better. Thank you.

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