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question about rads


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Since I bought this Thermochill 120.2, which has a black powder coat on it, I've been considering dropping it into a bucket of paint thinner to remove the black. I Don't care about looks

My question is are unpainted radiators more or less efficient at removing heat than painted ones? And if so by how much?


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you'll get a degree or two if your lucky and it'll end up looking like . (no resale value) with the possibility that it'll clog the whole thing up not in the radiator but between the fins

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you'll get a degree or two if your lucky and it'll end up looking like . (no resale value) with the possibility that it'll clog the whole thing up not in the radiator but between the fins


Ditto; the paint coating on the fins is on the order of microns thick and has virtually no adverse effects on heat transfer effectiveness.

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