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How's my parts list?

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I spent most of Saturday researching different parts and I made a rough list of what to get, but I thought I would check with everyone here first before I take the plunge.


Pump: Laing D5.


Radiator: Swiftech MCR220-QP


CPU waterblock: The DD TDX from UncleDavid218's FS thread.


GPU waterblock: The Corsair Nautilus/Koosah block from A_G's FS thread.


Hosing: 10' Tygon R-3603 1/2" ID (should I get more?)


I've also picked out a Delrin fillport, and a Delrin T+fittings for the fillport/pump return.


Any ideas on coolant to use?

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Looks great, you just missed a DDC w/petra top from my FS thread a few weeks ago... You might think about a D5 pump though, for less money it'll outperform the DDC+Petra top... mine ran way hotter than the D5 does, and was noisier... those koosah's are pretty restrictive (I know... I have two :-P) so the extra head with the D5 works out (more head always works out :-P) I ended up needing more than 10' of tubing, but only because I played around with my loop so much...


As far as coolant goes, the more distilled water you have the better it will cool, if you want to put an algaecide in there, no probem, just don't put much... 95% distilled water plus algaecide and zerex....

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not to mention cheaper... once you buy petra's top, you've spent ~$100... why when you can get a used D5 for ~$60-70? shoot aren't they $74.95 new? lol


I have two, I might be selling the second one soon because I didn't notice much difference using two....

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not to mention cheaper... once you buy petra's top, you've spent ~$100... why when you can get a used D5 for ~$60-70? shoot aren't they $74.95 new? lol


The basic version is $74.95+S/H; the speed controlled version is $87.99+S/H (being sold by UD for $70 incl S/H).

In comparison the DDCT W/ Petra top is $99.95+S/H

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I'll switch pumps then :). I was looking at the two of them for a while and I wasn't sure which one was better. I was going to pick up a little vial of algaecide as well.


I was going to get his pump but it's pending to someone else already.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I got the case and the GPU block, and the TDX should be here any day. I'm just about ready to hit the order button, here's what I have in the cart so far:


Petra's Tech Shop

Gel square for the pump to sit on

Laing D5 Vario pump

DD Delrin fillport

Swiftech MCR220 radiator

Stainless steel clamps for 1/2" ID hose x11

Filling syringe


Danger Den (stupid site emptied my cart while I was writing this!)

Plastic clamps for 3/8" ID hose x4

15' Tygon 1/2" ID tubing

5' Tygon 3/8" ID tubing

4 oz Zerex antifreeze

Delrin T x2

1/2" OD Perfect seal fittings x10 (8 for now, 2 for future use)

3/8" OD PS fittings x2

Brass tubing plug (for drain line)


I wanted to have the whole system run on 1/2" tubing, but the GPU block is 3/8". I decided to run that part of the loop on 3/8" and the rest on 1/2" because I plan on getting a 1/2" compatible block for my next card (might get an 8800/8900 in a couple of months). If/when I do that, it'll be a quick and I think cost effective way of upgrading to full 1/2". I'll be grabbing some distilled water from the nearest convenience store and mixing that with the Zerex :P.


I drew a schematic of the system, of which you can view here. Does it matter if I mount the radiator with the fittings on the top or bottom?


I might have forgotten something as I've been adding things to both carts for a few hours now, plus the DD cart emptying....

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From what A_G told me, the block uses slighly different barbs so regular ones don't fit on it.


They look like standard barbs to me; but it's possible that they have a different thread (would have to remove the barbs to be sure). The one major difference between the Nautilus and Koosah is th configuration of the inlet/outlet ports.

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I suppose I could try fitting them on when the stuff arrives, I'll be ordering enough 1/2" barbs to fit everything so if they do end up working, I won't have to wait and order two more :).

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Yay, I just bit the bullet! :D


I also bought a pair of 500 GB WD RE drives and a 3ware 9650SE 4-port SATA controller (my onboard controller has been spazzing out over the last month). Overall, it's an expensive upgrade, but it'll keep me going well into the 45nm C2Q's or even to the 32nm ones.

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