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First time Opty 170 OC

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I'm in the middle of my first OC with a 170 that I bought a little over a year ago and am now finally getting around to OC it. I've got the CPU at a little over 2.4 GHZ (from 2.0) at 1.375v. I was getting around 2.6 at 1.525v but the temps were a little over 50 under load and I feel more comfortable at the lower voltage. I was expecting to be able to hit 2.6 at stock so I'm a little disappointed. Think I have a lame chip or is my PSU too underpowered? I know it's a little on the low end, but it's still a tough little guy so hopefully that's not it. My main question is, I was only able to get my ram up to 209 mhz w/out adding more juice or loosening the timings. Should I just use a 5:4 divider w/ a 250 HTT (Was able to get it to 305) or try work with the ram more? Remember, though, it's my first OC and I still haven't gotten the hang of adding more voltage and/or loosening timings on the ram so easier is better :)


Thanks for the help!

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Id definately put in that divider to get up to 250FSB without stressing the ram, only for getting your ram out of the equation. The problem I find, it there are too many variables in overclocking. Lower your FSB/HTT divider to x4 and then you`ll be working with your opteron 170. 2.525 is as high as I took mine as well and then backed it off cause the temp jumped. I personally maxed out my opteron 180 at 2.8ghz.

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I've got my HTT stable at 246 with 1.4V right now. I loosened up my ram timings just a bit to 2.0-3-2-5 so I can get a little higher multiplier (5/6 right now). My FSB/HTT divider is set at x3. My problem right now is that running at 2.46 (compared to stock 2.0), I got a decent bump in Aquamark numbers, but when I run 3DMark05, my score dropped from stock speeds:confused: Would loosening up my timings any more so I can run them at 9/10 help any (playing with OC'ing the ram, there's no way I can get it to run at 1/1, unfortunately)?

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