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2GB OCZ PC500 without EL! + Opteron 180

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Hi guys,

First off, a big thanks to this forum for all the information on flashing bios, that TMOS CD kicks arse. On the 0704 bios, I upgraded from a 3500+ Venice to an Opteron 180 without problems(using hotfixs of course). Its runnin like a new machine. Right now Im trying to squeak out some more Mhz out of my rig, which is runnin at 2.8Ghz and a far too cool 38C:)


Does anybody use 2GB OCZ PC500 Platinum Dual Channel with a dual core processor?? Ive looked all over and all I see is those damn EL versions which run at 2.7V or so. Here are zee qvestions:


a) My timings are 3-3-3-8 @255Mhz and Id like to tighten them. My multiplier is set at x11 and the CPU is runnin at 1.48V. At the moment Ive been lazy and have everything nearly all settings auto(except LTD/FSB at x4) Where do I start?


B) Is 1.48V on the CPU too low a voltage to hit 3Ghz? Or, should I lower the multiplier to x10 and torture the RAM?


thanks for any help!


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why not change to 10x280, run your ram on the 9/10 divider (252 on the ram), as far as your volts go, you have the option to increase/decrease the ram voltage, finding regular really good DDR is getting harder.............


as far as the volts to your CPU, it is a lot for the 2.8gig, i am running an opty 165 @2.84 gig (9x316 summertime settings, 2x1gig gskill hz on 166 divider, 258 actual), actual volts to cpu are a smidgen over 1.3. i would prolly just play a bit with x's and dividers, LDT ratios (change to 3x if lowering x and raising HTT), run some stress tests to verify stability and then just enjoy the dual core sweetness.....


running a 939 with the ram on a divider is not a bad thing, AMD does very well with dividers................



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Thanks for the suggestion, I tried it out.


First, I found that a 0.025 bump causes the opty to jump about 8-10C. So, I brought it back down. I also tested 285x10 with 9/10 and 5/6, lowering the FDT/HDT multi to x3(also tried x4). It wont take. Seems like the reachable limit is slightly below. I tried about 8 runs with different settings, but I didnt see any other variables to play with since the RAM can handle these speeds at stock.


I may have got an average chip, but Im pretty happy with 2.8Ghz at the moment. Your chip runs nice and cool! Im going to try to lower the voltages and keep stability.

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  • 1 month later...

"Your chip runs nice and cool! Im going to try to lower the voltages and keep stability."




coolit freezer is in the house, idling @15*C right now, around 35* to 38*C under full load....i have Promethia phase unit in mothballs, and i much prefer the Coolit unit, so much easier to use....



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  • 3 weeks later...

coolit freezer is water cooling i assume? somehow i have opteron165 @ 2.7ghz and 1.275 volts.. wondering why people need such high voltage.. i tested 2xprime and 2xorthos while doing superPi for 16 hours and not a hicup and under 47C load.. i would just check a review for your ram and see what they pushed it to.. i basically stole someone else's settings for my setup.

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