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New evap enclosure on the way


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Anyone into phase should appreciate this. Ssilencer made this up for me. It's more a work of art then an enclosure. What can't be seen in the pic is how it's modded for LEDs to light it up internally. I'll post picks when I receive it. It's on it's way to me now from Argentina.




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This is very good looking! I'm into moding myself and have all tools available to do any project! I don't have a phase change but was always interested in making one! Somehow job and the family life needs more time that I thought it would be when I signed up for it! :D Install it and show more pics when that thing is running!

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It's going on an existing unit. I've got a complete machine shop here at the house so I could make one myself. But it's like I told Ssilencer, I wouldn't make one for the amount he sells them for. And then there's the tricked-out mounting hardware too. Polishing the plexi back to that condition is no easy task either.

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I have two units sitting here now, an old Mach1 that was modded by Chilly1 and then by NoL. I just finished building another unit. I have the Mach up for sale and am thinking about selling the other one. I compare phase to dating a psychotic super model, cool to look at it and show off to your friends, fun for the short runs but a pita in the long run.


My Dad is having problems right now, so he isn't at the shop and I'm there for as many hours a week as it takes to make sure not only my bills are paid but my Dad's as well. After work I put in a few hours helping out my parents so my time in the bios is limited these days.

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I know what you mean about the hours. I don't get any benching in till at least 10:00 or 11:00 at night.


My units are for benching only. I'm still using the same system that I've had forever for 24/7 stuff.

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