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I need help on my bong. (pics)

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Well, I haven't read the pages you posted, but I will.. I'm interested in this, and hey, even if it cost more than a rad and wasn't going to work any better, it'd be worth doing if you feel like it and you think you'll learn something from it... At the very least it's probably keeping you from being off using a bong to do something else! (or maybe not :-P) Keep it up and let us know how it goes...


you still need to fix your pictures though... your pictures are all now under 800 pixels wide, now the tall ones need to be made under 600 pixels tall (some are 640 tall, so just a little shrinkage is necessary...)

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yeah but i don't have the funds. also if this works it should out perform any rad.


In the proper environment the evaporative coolers can outperform RADs; but this means higher ambient temps and low humidity. In a very humid environment they won't perform well at all. Lower ambient temps would detriment the cooling capabilities as well. In Finland you'd have less than ideal conditions for evaporative cooling; and a RAD will most likely outperform the evaporator. Further the evaporator would require a lot more maintenance than a closed loop with a RAD.


As Praz has stated images are restricted to 800x600 max; either resize them to meet these size constraints, thumbnail them, or just provide links to them.

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Ok, after reading just 1 article, I can help you out a little there...


1 - yes, you need way more space for the vapor to evaporate from... the more the better, I suggest larger holes that go farther down the pipe...


2 - A taller pipe, but you already have that... get 3 feet (~1 metre)


3 - Install a fan in the intake pipe... more air rushing past the warm water equals more evaporation.


4 - I don't know how much your shower head diffuses the water, but you want the smallest size holes, and as many of them as possible...


5 - To help with noise (just read another article...) fill it with ping pong (table tennis) balls, from a physics standpoint I can see how it would improve evaporation and it would make the system much quieter...


edit: 6 - You also don't want to seal it better up there by the shower head, in fact, you should remove that funnel altogether and just have the shower head draped into the top of the PVC pipe...



You probably already knew all that, but I thought I'd throw it out there... I might have a go at this just cause everyone's giving you a hard time :tooth: plus I have everything I need already just sitting around the garage so it's free...

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All images are resized, and i just picked up my long piece of pvc.


Also i have opened up the intake and exhaust, with new fittings. i returned the other one. I have a 120mm fan to put there but just for testing i tried if the pump could reach 2m+... it didn't. i im going to have to halve(sp?) the pvc pipe.



This is that i am trying to get... but shorter, cause the pump cant make it.


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don't halve the pipe, get a longer piece of tubing to reach up there... the longer that tube is the better... well... maybe what yu got there is a little overkill, but I'm all about some overkill :D


Way to go with the output pipe at the top... good idea!

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don't halve the pipe, get a longer piece of tubing to reach up there... the longer that tube is the better... well... maybe what yu got there is a little overkill, but I'm all about some overkill :D


Way to go with the output pipe at the top... good idea!


If I understand diff_lock correctly, the pump doesn't have enough head to make the height of his pipe.


@diff_lock, if you have another pump you could put 2 in series; then you wouldn't need to shorten your pipe.

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Honestly now.Why don't you go to a place where they trash car and search two cars that have good radiators and use them by mounting them on each sides of the case.This will cool the water enough and if you do a good job it will also look nice.

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Honestly now.Why don't you go to a place where they trash car and search two cars that have good radiators and use them by mounting them on each sides of the case.This will cool the water enough and if you do a good job it will also look nice.


Agreed; but apparently the OP has his heart set on an evaporator.

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