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Does this make sense?

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Once newegg delivers the goods I'm going to strip my rig and start from scratch basicly. I'm going to lapp all my blocks, and I'm wondering if I should lapp the X2 4200+ that's on it's way?


But my main question is this... my current loop goes as follows: Pump, CPU, GPU, Chipset, Radiator. Now, would it make sense to take the chipset out of the loop to drop the temps some? If I did take the chipset out of the loop (have an evercool on hand) is that going to effect my ability to overclock?


Also, this might be a wild one... lol, but sadly, when I built my rig about a year ago I settled for a koolance exos 750 kit. It has an aluminum radiator that I'm going to swap out for a copper rad (already have), but here's where it get's interesting.... I wan't to take out the pumps that they have in the res and install a swiftech pump (http://www.frozencpu.com/products/2128/ex-...tl=g30c107s155), $50 at my local computer shop, and basically just use that res, as, well.... a res without their shatty pumps. I'm sure it's absolutely possible but the problem is, that system has an alarm for when one of their pumps fail, if I just ran the power wires from their pumps to this swiftech pump, would the alarm be "tricked" so to say? Or is their alarm system more in depth? I personally don't know. But, if I was able to pull it off would this make sense? I don't think their pumps kick out enough flow rate and I'll bite the $50 bullet for cooler temps, ecspecially since I'm about to receive a new CPU, have all the new tubing etc and plan to rip this thing apart. And... if I did infact do this I think I would leave my chipset block in the loop.


So many questions, I know... but you guys here have helped me out tremendously so far and it's VERY much appreciated. :cool:

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I would put the Evercool on the chipset and just H20 the CPU and GPU. It will just add more heat to the loop. Were you able to find a direct replacement brass radiator for your koolance setup?

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I would put the Evercool on the chipset and just H20 the CPU and GPU. It will just add more heat to the loop. Were you able to find a direct replacement brass radiator for your koolance setup?


No, but I have a copper 2x120mm fan radiator at the house, the koolance one is this "hung" by a rubber and metal washer through the radiators fins. I tested the copper one and it will hang as well with plenty of clearance. I know for a fact that aspect of the intended "swap" will work, I'm just really interested in adding the swiftech in there and somehow taking out the koolance pumps, thus using their pump/res as strictly a res without the damn alarm going off or having the unit go into "fail" mode which will turn off the PC. I guess I could disconnect their power connections from the mobo and manually juice the radiator fans but that's last resort IMO, want to make it as simple as possible.

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you could just use a t-line or closed loop without the res at all so no need for the alarm


But the fans are powered by the unit, and if the unit is on, and I'm not using the koolance pumps that will then trigger the alarm and shut the system down, unless I pull the power cords from my mobo but then I have to deal with that alarm, or I could somehow cut the audio from it, but still there has to be less of a "hooptie-rig" way of doing this. I could easily go the route of a t-line, or just use the res which is already at the top of the case without having to mod the case anymore. Just seeing if anybody had any knowledge about the koolance and how their alarm worked.


Besides that does any have an opinion on lapping the X2 4200+???

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I think the koolance alarm should still work with a different pump. It seems like the safety shutdown is dependent on the temp sensors connected to the circuit board. Just as long as the temp is below a certain number......it won't shut down power or set off an alarm. I think if you leave the fans and temp sensors connected.....it should work.

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I think the koolance alarm should still work with a different pump. It seems like the safety shutdown is dependent on the temp sensors connected to the circuit board. Just as long as the temp is below a certain number......it won't shut down power or set off an alarm. I think if you leave the fans and temp sensors connected.....it should work.


Well, if I can remember correctly, reading the manual I remember it saying that if pump #1 fails then it will sound an alarm and kick pump #2 into 100% workload. If pump #2 fails it will shut the system down. I actually fualted the system before just to see if it would infact shut it down (to sleep easy) and it did. I'm sure I will find a solution while messing with it this weekend.

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Could you post some pics of the inside of the Exos?


It's possible that they're using inline flow sensors to monitor the effectiveness of the pumps.


You might be well advised to just route a molex connector into the Exos and power the pump/fans from that; then just disconnect the power leads to the Exos controller.

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