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Best Dual-Core Air Cooler

Guest tytlyf_merged

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Guest tytlyf

Looking for some opinions on a good dual core air cooler. I prefer it being quieter if possible, then again I can control the fan speed.

So shoot away, I currently have a Zalman CNPS9500 and its not doing the job all that well at keeping this cpu cool.

Trying to keep under $70.

Thanks everyone.

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I highly recommend the Tuniq Tower 120. My dad keeps this house pretty warm for medical reasons (around 70-72 F), but this cooler does a pretty good job of keeping idle temps in the low 30s and even the low 20s on core #0 (core #1 generally runs hotter on my chip). This morning when I woke up it was 64 F in here, which is comfortable by my standards (we'd had the windows open yesterday and forgot to turn the furnace back on), and my 165 was idling at 22C on one core and 25C on the other core, with a total temperature of 28C as reported by EVEREST (I was never quite sure why the "CPU temp" was always higher than both cores).

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