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High Temps on My Sempron?

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So I have a 2800+ Sempron which is overclocked. The voltage is at stock and I am using the stock heatsink, the factory packaged one. But instead of the thermal strip given I am using AS5. I have 4 fans total in my computer, 5 if you include the CPU fan. I have 3 for intake of air and 2 for blowing it out. Now my room temperature is on average about 68-70F, pretty standard.


But the weird thing is my Sempron runs at 38C freshly booted and then about 40-41C load. Does that seem fairly high to anyone else with AS5, 5 fans, and stock voltage?


I had planned on overclocking it a bit more, which means higher voltage, which means higher temps. But I don't want to if I can't keep the temperature down.


Any ideas?

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