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Case Fans on Motherboard head

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Hey guys!


First of all, man Im glad this site is back. Not too sure about what happened, but I dont care as long as this great site is back =). A lot of helpful people/info.


Anyway, I just got two 120mm fans. One is a Yate Loon DSL12 orange and the other one is a Cooler Master Blue LED. Both are supposed to be "slient fans" so Im assuming they're also low powered since theyre silent.


Main question, can I plug them into the fan headers to control the fans? Both have a 3 pin and a 4 pin connector. How many watts/amps can the fan heads handle? I know the best solution is to get a fan controller but i really cant afford it right now, even if its only 10 bucks. If I cant plug it into the fan headers, Im just going to have to do the 7 volt mod trick.


Thanks guys/girls!



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Save up and get a fan controller.


Yes, you can plug case fans into the m/b headers, but it isn't a recommended practice. YMMV. If you can't afford a $10 fan controller right now, you'll be in big trouble if your m/b gives up the ghost because of the current draw of the 120mm fans.


I recommend that all fans be removed from the m/b headers sans the n/b heatsink fan.

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i have to say - i been using the MB fan headers for about a year and it hasnt given me any problems -- the only problem i just faced was a PSU which i had to RMA and got a replacement now -


i think if the MB has the fan headers - then it was build to handle the fans connected to them - i may be wrong - but i dont see having them if you cant use them -- i have a 120mm fan to the board alone with one 92mm fan -

then i have a 80mm fan for the chip and the antec spot fan all connected to the board -- 4 in total -- on the board -


and i have 2 more 120mm fans to the psu for my Rad -


recently as a few weeks ago - my psu died out - couldnt boot - 4 leds on board - struggling to stay on etc. --


i got a replacement and so far so good - only a day i been using it - the psu is the Hiper type R 580 - to be honest - i dont think i buy this one again - since it has 3 years warranty - its only a year i had it --


anyway - i also read to try not to connect much to the board fan headers - but you can try it - if it works for me - i am sure it can work for you also - so far so good with my board - i hope i dont jinx myself now :)


i feel i am separating the load on the psu rails by not connecting them all to the psu - since the hiper has 2 12v rails - which to me is just confusing and i will get a single rail next one around - PC power and cooling - i think is the best bet --

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what excatly does that mean - is it ok to use them as long as its with in the max watt for all headers and amps ?


my fans pull at max 0.48A and 5.7watts -- thats 2 of my fans - and then i have a 80mm fan which i am not sure what it pulls in amps or watts - and one more spot fan


so even if the other two fans i have pull the same as the 120mm and 92mm fan - it would mean i am pulling a total of 1.92amps and 22.8 watts -- thats assuming the 80mm fan and the spot fan use as much as the other two -


this would be in at or close to the max ?


so i should be good then - the reason i decided to do this was to keep some off one of the 12v rails - since one 12v rail powers the cpu and board and the other powers the rest of the system - i figure this would separate the 12v rails --

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Yate Loons = 0.30a max and 1.8 watts.

Arctic Freezer = 0.16a and 1.56 watts

Cooler Master = 0.15a +/-10% and 1.8+/-10%


So worst case is 0.625amps and 5.34 watts total draw on all 3 fans on 3 of the motherboard headers.


Rgone says 0.52a and 6.24 watts max on each header and a total of 2.1 amps and 25.2 watts on all 4 headers.


Thus, I should be okay right since Im well under the limits?


Comments? Suggestions? Danks =)

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i would say your ok - but i think there are 5 fan headers on my ultra d board in total - but looking at your sig - i would upgrade that psu if you system gives you trouble -

they say with a DFI - min. is 480 Watts = i got a 580w and i dont think thats enough either - i just had to RMA mines - new one is working and priming now at 2.6 - with lower volts to keep the temps at 50c on the board - so far so good - almost 5 hours - and encoding dvds - burning and doing nero - browsing the web at the same time :)

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