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Home Depot Tubing?


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I read alot about how the 7/16" tubing is a real classy lady to get on the barbs & even more difficult to get back off. the only problem I have with it is getting it on the plastic barbs like the T line & barbs on my Storm. And even then warming the tube up makes it a lot easier. I recently read a nice tip that I will be trying next time I redo mine or do another - Putting a small amount of KY Jelly on the barb to make tube slip on easier...


However.... I have never used 1/2" tubing.


I might try it & turn around and say "What the hell was I doing all that time messing with 7/16"!?!?"


I am using the 7/16" Masterkleer

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Masterkleer 7/8 is cheap and saves a lot of hassle for me. I have tried the home depo stuff but the Masterkleer is just as cheap and works as well if not better than tygon except for supeer tight bends. Get some hot water and it goes on easaly it also dosnt tend to stretch over time like some do including tygon.

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True dat, but I got black tubing :cool:
Black Tygon is the bomb... I bought 50' off ebay for $20 a while ago from this guy:




Keep an eye on his auctions. They're all listed as "Buy-it-now" for $59.99, but they regularly go for $10-30. A smoking great deal, and it looks HAWT.



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Black Tygon is the bomb... I bought 50' off ebay for $20 a while ago from this guy:




Keep an eye on his auctions. They're all listed as "Buy-it-now" for $59.99, but they regularly go for $10-30. A smoking great deal, and it looks HAWT.



w00t I won an auction and got the tubing for $54 shipped

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