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Increasing temps on CPU and NB


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First I would like to say its awesome forum and if I not post much so I frequent come back here.




I have problem with a strange temp pattern.

CPU was in the beginning idle at 33C and full load 47C in Prime95 with current sign,

--> today CPU idle at 40C (max load about the same as before), this big temp increas come more less over a night. What strange is, I have noticed that the CPU temp decrease under load to about 38C with about 50% load. The fan speed slow down slightly under load and the temp goes down…strange isn't it?

With Prime95 Blend 3-4h the temp pending around 42-44C, with the torture test testing mostly heat for 1-2 it goes up and touch 45C.


From this Temps I guess my system need some help. I can't understand why I have higher idle temp then when the CPU is under load and why I can't get my idle temps down to about 30-33C again when its pretty cool for a stock cooler under torture???


Solved (more details separate answer this thread)

Issue solved, it was windows related to start over XP from a older saved control point helped, I do not know what the problem was. I installed a better fan and are now down to 28C idle (sure it can do better as the case is not optimized yet)



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Guest Retratserif

thermalright SI-120 with a high speed fan if you are trying to get really low temps. But I think the stock fan will be just fine.


You should use some sort of silver thermal paste "artic silver 5" is the top brand. Make sure you apply it right.


Angry Games has a full video and all on that Cooler and the application of the paste.



Thermalright SI-120 High Performance CPU Cooling Heatsink




Arctic Silver 5 Thermal Compound



As for a replacement for the Chipset, there is a recomended brand that flys around here, though mine is watercooled, so I do not know that name or brand.


This link may help with that chipset.

Cleaning your NF4 Chipset fan and replacing with AS5 (or other thermal material!)


And this link for the Heatsink. I cannot find angry's guild.

Thermalright XP-120

Now the part where it shows that the ram is close to the heatsink will not happen with the SI-120. Its taller, so that resolved that issue. Thats the only difference.

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Tanks for your answer Retratserif, I have sincerly look at those cooler beside the Big thypoon.


This cooler fits to the mobo without any modifications? Is it any knownd problems with this cooler, like they cover RAMs interfear with GPU if its in the top slot etc?


Is it much better then the Big typhoon or is it just easier to use the one suggested?

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EDIT thread,

please anyone, tell me why my CPU have sucha strange temps and what I can do to get the idle temp down?


CPU temps are always on the high side with air cooling; especially when overclocking. Using better heatpipe coolers instead of the stock HSF can often reduce the temps by a few C. Be sure to only use a grain-of-rice sized drop of AS5 at the center of the CPU; then clamp the cooler down on that.


The best way of getting significantly lower temps is to go with an H2O rig; I've never seen >40C load temps, even under significant OCs.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's time to BUY a new top of the line CPU cooler to replace the box cooler.


Previous in the thread I was recommended a SI-120 and I really like that one, it become unfortunately pretty expensive and few still store them here.


This a SI-120/128 cooler is much more expensive then a Tuniq or Big Tyhoon VX, additional shipping and fan makes this one become at least 40 US$ more expensive then any other cooler including BT and Tuniq. The Big Typhoon VX and the Tuniq Tower can both be bought from a local store for about 60US$.


If I understand right has the Big Typhoon VX clip on mounting to original mobo mounting bracket, is it correct and is it good?


The compatibility to future?

Which cooler should I think of if I maybe want to change Mobo in a year or so, the socket 939 seems definitely be on it's final way out from the shelf's here :=((


Which one is best buy for my DFI ULTRA-D?

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*** Problem solved ***


I installed a new fan CPU cooler, Big Typhoon + AS5. The computer reduced temps significant under full load from 47C down to 38C but still show the extremely unwanted behaviour to be slightly hotter idle then partly loaded with higher fan rpm (this is not logic). The cooler didn't seems to answer to RPM changes up and down...

So I rethink still asking myself why not one single expert in here given me the hint to return in time either install window again or restore to a earlier system set point…I return two months in time and restore a old set point and everything become much better.


Room temp about 20-21C.

Idle no fan 33C, idle at 28C with fan 600rpm, max load prime95 38C 1500rpm (with settings fan starts at 27C full at 45C)

Idle, PWMIC drop to 39C idle and the NB to 43C (3800rpm)….load NB slightly higher (NB is worse then before and I think it has to do with that I moved down the GPU)

I am sure it can do better as the chassi is not optimized for a BT yet, I intend to optimize it and are sure that I can reduce all temps a few degree easily.


Conclusion, there is some strange malious program circulating, I have scan the system with several virus/ ad-ad ware/ spy program etc and nothing was found and I do not know what and why and how it happends but I am still interesting to know how to protect and eventually solve and identify the rout Corse if it happe ns again.

From what I learned from this is this maybe a Window software related problem more then a cooling problem as it appear as!


Please, anyone familiar with this problems?

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Maybe your Thermal Throttling settings are responsible:


Throttling decides how much power to send to your cpu fan under certain cpu loads.


Idle: you may have your fan speed set to low, while under Load: you have a higher fan speed set.


It looks like you solved it by a restore point, yet it's important to know what the culprit was, this is one possibility.

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